Standard Helmholtz Coils
Magnetic Instrumentation Inc. (MI)
Helmholtz Coils are ideal for the measurement of Rare Earth (Samarium Cobalt, Neodymium) and Hard Ferrite permanent magnet materials (materials which exhibit a relative straight line demagnetization). Our standard Helmholtz Coils are for use with fluxmeters. The Helmholtz Coil measures the magnet sample as a single magnetic moment provided that the longest dimension of the magnet sample is less than one-third (1/3) the diameter of the coil system. By definition, the magnetic moment per unit volume is the intrinsic magnetization of the sample. With our calibrated Helmholtz Coil and Integrated Fluxmeter – and given the volume of the permanent magnet sample – the intrinsic open circuit operating B (Bdi) can be measured.