MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) Millimeter-Wave & Microwave Devices
Keysight offers a series of millimeter-wave and microwave MMICs that provide superior performance over a wide bandwidth from DC to 50 GHz, including both analog and digital applications. The below listed HMMC and HSCH products are available through a selection of worldwide distribution partners. The 1Gxx line of products are also available through distribution partners to a select set of customers. Certain restrictions apply.
mmWave and Microwave GaAs Frequency Dividers and Prescalers
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC frequency dividers and prescalers ideal for high-frequency communications, microwave instrumentation, and electronic warfare (EW) radar system applications. These devices operate from DC to 16 GHz and provide a large input power sensitivity window and low phase noise.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Amplifiers
Keysight Technologies provides a variety of MMIC amplifiers ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Attenuators
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC attenuators ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Diodes
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC diodes ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Mixers
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC mixers ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Multipliers
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC multipliers ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Specialty ICs
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC Specialty ICs ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
Millimeter-wave and Microwave GaAs Switches
Keysight Technologies provides MMIC switches ideal for microwave radio, aerospace and defense, and instrumentation applications.
2-22 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier
HMMC-5022 - Keysight Technologies
The HMMC-5022 is a broadband GaAs MMIC traveling wave amplifier designed for moderate gain and moderate output power over the full 2-22 GHz frequency range. Typical applications of the HMMC-5022 include wideband gain blocks of communication systems and microwave instrumentation, which require a flat gains response and excellent port matches over the 2-22 GHz frequency range.
2-22 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier
HMMC-5021 - Keysight Technologies
The HMMC-5021 is a broadband GaAs MMIC traveling wave amplifier designed for moderate gain and moderate output power over the full 2-22 GHz frequency range. Typical applications of the HMMC-5021 include wideband gain blocks of communication systems and microwave instrumentation, which require a flat gain response and excellent port matches over the 2-22 GHz frequency range.
2-26.5 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier
HMMC-5026 - Keysight Technologies
The HMMC-5026 is a broadband GaAs MMIC traveling wave amplifier designed for moderate gain and moderate output power over the full 2-26 GHz frequency range. Typical applications of the HMMC-5026 include wideband gain blocks of communication systems and microwave instrumentation, which require a flat gains response and excellent port matches over the 2-26 GHz frequency range.
2-26.5 GHz Traveling Wave Amplifier
1GG7-8045 - Keysight Technologies
The 1GG7-8045 is a broadband GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier designed for high output power and moderate gain over the full 2 to 26.5 GHz frequency range. Seven MESFET cascode stages provide a flat gain response, making the 1GG7-8045 an ideal wideband power block. Ebeam lithography is used to produce gate lengths of ~0.3 mm. The 1GG7-8045 incorporates advanced MBE technology, TiPtAu gate metallization, silicon nitride passivation, and polyimide for scratch protection.
20-50 GHz Doubler
1GC1-8038 - Keysight Technologies
The 1GG1-8038 is a passive diode frequency doubler. It is specified to operate with a 2050 GHz output frequency. Conversion efficiency is usually around -12 dB. The device has low 1/2 and 3/2 spurious output, typically 15 dBc or better. The doubler can be biased through onchip resistors to allow operation at low input levels. Up to 22 dBm at the input can be accommodated. Onchip DC blocking capacitors are included at the input and output.
23 GHz Low Noise Amplifier
HMMC-5023 - Keysight Technologies
The HMMC-5023 is a GaAs MMIC low noise amplifier designed for moderate gain and low noise from 21 GHz to over 30 GHz. Typical applications of the HMMC-5023 include digital radio communications systems that operate within the 21.2 GHz to 23.6 GHz and 24.5 GHz to 26.5 GHz frequency bands. Moderate gain and low noise temperature make it ideally suited as a front-end gain stage.
40-67 GHz Power Amplifier
1GG6-8070 - Keysight Technologies
The 1GG6-8070 is a high gain, medium power mmwave amplifier. It can be used as part of a banded solution to achieve respectable mmwave power. Input and output ports are matched to 50W. The amplifier is biased with a single positive drain supply (VDD) and a single negative gate supply (VG1).
40-72 GHz Doubler
1GC1-8048 - Keysight Technologies
The 1GC1-8048 is a balanced diode frequency doubler consisting of two Schottky diodes and a coplanar balun structure. The doubler provides 15 dB conversion loss and 17.5 dBc 1st and 3rd order feed-thru for input frequencies between 20 and 33.5 GHz. This IC is fabricated in HFTC's InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) process that provides excellent uniformity, reliability and 1/f noise performance.
DC - 12 GHz Packaged High Efficiency Divide by 8 Prescaler
HMMC-3128-TR1 - Keysight Technologies
The HMMC-3128-TR1 is a packaged DC - 12 GHz divide by eight prescaler designed for use in high frequency communications, microwave instrumentation, and EW radar systems where low phase-noise PLL control circuitry or broadband frequency translation is required.
DC - 12 GHz Packaged High Efficiency Divide by 8 Prescaler
HMMC-3128-BLK - Keysight Technologies
TheHMMC-3128-BLK is a packaged DC - 12 GHz divide by eight prescaler designed for use in high frequency communications, microwave instrumentation, and EW radar systems where low phase-noise PLL control circuitry or broadband frequency translation is required.
Millimeter Wave Zero Bias GaAs Schottky Diode
HSCH-9162 - Keysight Technologies
The HSCH-9162 is suitable for medium-low barrier, zero bias detector applications. The HSCH-9162 is functional through W-band (110 GHz) and can be mounted in microstrip, finline, and coplanar circuits.
Millimeter Wave Zero Bias GaAs Schottky Diode
HSCH-9161 - Keysight Technologies
The HSCH-9161 is suitable for medium-low barrier, zero bias detector applications. The HSCH-9161 is functional through W-band (110 GHz) and can be mounted in microstrip, finline, and coplanar circuits.