USB4, USB 3.x, USB 2.0 and eUSB2 Protocol Decode/Trigger Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes
D9010USBP - Keysight Technologies
This application includes a suite of configurable protocol-level searches and software-based triggering specific to all USB standards. It is compatible with EXR-Series, MXR-Series, UXR-Series, S-Series, V-Series, and Z-Series Infiniium oscilloscopes. USB4 and USB 3.2 trigger and decode are not available for the EXR-Series, MXR-Series or S-Series oscilloscopes.USB4 and USB 3.2 trigger and decode are not available for the S-Series oscilloscopes. For detailed information on the decode and trigger settings, please refer to the datasheet. For assistance with using the applications, refer to the Infiniium help guide.