Test Phone - Professional TS54 Pro
CZ20154 - Aegis Pty. Ltd.
The CZ20154 is the top of the range in latest design technology providing voice, data, and video technicians/engineers all the functionality essential in a test set. Buttinskis are now required to deal with modern high speed digital services - something this test phone has been specifically designed for. On top of all the tests performed by the CZ20123, TDR length measurement to 900m is included for the first time on a buttinski. Not only can you measure cable length but you can identify the fault location of an open or a short. Further, tone generation is included as standard providing 5 different search tones and SmartToneR that confirms you have located the correct pair. Never before has this level of features been available in a buttinski. No longer do you need to carry a separate butt set, TDR, toner, and identifier - this buttinski does it all in the one tool !
- Test
- Phone
- Tone Test Set
- Voice Data Video
- Tone Test
- Design For Test
- Test Ranges
- Video Test
- Butt Set
- Cable TDR
- Cable Identifiers
- Fault Location
- Open Short
- Time Standards
- Video Measurement
- Time Domain Reflectometers
- Tone
- Cables
- Data
- Digital
- Fault
- Identifiers
- Identify
- Level
- Measurement
- Search
- Services
- Speed
- Standards
- Time
- Video
- Voice