Ethernet-GPIB-USB to Serial Interface
Model 9006 - ICS Electronics
* All interfaces provide full communication with the serial device.
* Ethernet port supports VXI-11 and raw socket protocols.
* Controllable with Windows PC programs like C, Visual Basic, LabVIEW, VEE, etc that make VISA or SICL calls.
* Controllable from MAC/UNIX/LINUX and similar computers with RPC calls.
* GPIB port is IEEE-488.2 compatible.
* USB port uses Microsoft supplied driver to prevent driver problems with operating system change problems.
* Serial port provides RS-232 and 2 or 4-wire RS-485 signals.
* Supports devices that generate asynchronous messages, devices that respond when queried and smart devices.
* Internal webserver for easy configuration from any browser.
* Board runs on 5 to 15 Vdc power.
* Includes ICS's VXI-11 and VISA keyboard control programs.
* Works with Agilent, NI and Kikisui VISA libraries.