TTEDevelopment System A664 For VxWorks 653
TTTech Computertechnik AG (TTTech)
The TTEDevelopment System A664 supporting the ARINC 653 interface is an out-of-the box starter kit for integrating TTEthernet’s deterministic network technology with the time and space partitioned real-time operating system VxWorks 653. The easy-to-use and ready-to-run solution includes hardware and software as well as a Distributed IMA demo application showing deterministic communication among the different real-time operation system partitions. The system supports up to 1 Gbit/s speed, enables event-driven Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) as well as rate-constrained (ARINC 664 part 7) and hard real-time (Time-Triggered Ethernet SAE AS6802) communication on the same network with the option to synchronize IMA modules using the fault-tolerant TTEthernet network time base.