Spectroscopic Ellipsometers
SENresearch 4.0 - SENTECH Instruments GmbH.
The SENresearch 4.0 is the new SENTECH spectroscopic ellipsometer. Every individual SENresearch 4.0 spectroscopic ellipsometer is a customer-specific configuration of spectral range, options and field upgradable accessories. SENresearch 4.0 uses fast FTIR ellipsometry for the NIR up to 2,500 nm or 3,500 nm, respectively. It provides broadest spectral range with best S/N ratio and highest, selectable spectral resolution. Silicon films up to 200 µm thickness can be measured. The measurement speed of FTIR ellipsometry compares to diode array configurations, which are also selectable up to 1,700 nm. The new motorized Pyramid Goniometer features an angle range from 20 deg to 100 deg. Optical encoders ensure highest precision and long term stability of angle settings. The spectroscopic ellipsometer arms can be moved independently for scatterometry and angle resolved transmission measurements.