Test & Programming Software
ScanExpress - Corelis, Inc.
The ScanExpress Family of boundary-scan software offers a fully integrated development environment that includes boundary-scan and at-speed functional test program generation, test program execution with advanced pin level diagnostics, interactive boundary-scan debugging, and in-System Programming (ISP) of devices such as Flash memory, serial EEPROMs, CPLDd, and FPGAs.
Test Pattern Generator Software
ScanExpress TPG
ScanExpress TPG - Corelis, Inc.
To deliver a product meeting the highest standards of quality and reliability, design engineers and test engineers alike must maintain test capabilities throughout the entire product life cycle, from prototype to manufacturing. Automation in test generation is essential to ensure that tests keep up with the rapid development of modern products.The ScanExpress TPG™ Intelligent Test Pattern Generator Software provides a highly advanced, automated boundary-scan test design environment—perfect for quick and efficient creation of complete boundary-scan tests for all IEEE-1149.1 and IEEE-1149.6 compliant circuit boards.
At-Speed Non-Intrusive Functional Testing
ScanExpress JET
ScanExpress JET - Corelis, Inc.
Functional circuit board testing presents many challenges that are often costly and time consuming. Most functional tests need to be customized for each design, limiting reusability. This results in software engineers vying for time between development code and test code. Even when functional tests become available, the diagnostic details are often inadequate to give clear visibility on a given problem.ScanExpress JET is a tool designed to overcome these challenges by automating the functional test generation process on CPU–based IEEE-1149.1 compliant circuit boards. Coined JTAG Embedded Test, JET is the preferred method for at-speed, non-intrusive functional testing.
Boundary-Scan Test Coverage Analysis Tool
ScanExpress DFT Analyzer
ScanExpress DFT Analyzer - Corelis, Inc.
Test coverage statistics provide engineers and managers valuable information to make critical decisions in product development and manufacturing.ScanExpress DFT Analyzer is an automatic test coverage analysis tool for printed circuit boards and systems that include a mix of boundary-scan and non-boundary-scan devices. The tool assists design and test engineers to increase fault coverage and reduce boundary-scan test procedure development times. Using ScanExpress DFT Analyzer results in better informed test decisions.
Boundary-Scan Test Executive
ScanExpress Runner
ScanExpress Runner - Corelis, Inc.
Efficiency in engineering means managing your most precious resources: time and effort. Automated testing is essential and boundary-scan is a critical component; no other structural test system provides the same value.When down to the wire, your boundary-scan test system needs to be built both for ease-of-use and reliability; a robust and powerful mechanism to ensure that no matter the state of production, all boundary-scan tests can be quickly and faithfully executed to maintain forward momentum.
Test Program Execution for High-Volume Production Systems
ScanExpress Runner Gang
ScanExpress Runner Gang - Corelis, Inc.
Electronic manufacturing test systems must be fast and efficient. Schedules today are shorter, products are more complex, and the market demands higher speed—the product needs to be built and shipped yesterday.ScanExpress Runner Gang Edition is a concurrent boundary-scan and in-system programming test executive designed specifically for high volume production. Unlike traditional test systems which execute sequentially on a single unit under test (UUT) at a time, ScanExpress Runner Gang Edition provides concurrent (gang) testing on up to 8 UUTs for improved test and programming times.
Visual Fault Diagnostics and Repair System
ScanExpress Viewer
ScanExpress Viewer - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress Viewer™ is a printed circuit board (PCB) CAD data & photograph visualization tool for boundary-scan test development, electronic manufacturing test, and product repair environments.When combined with ScanExpress ADO™ (Advanced Diagnostics Option) for detailed results from ScanExpress Runner™, ScanExpress Viewer displays fault coordinates and connected traces superimposed directly on a board photograph or CAD layout diagram for expedient repair.
Boundary-Scan Advanced Diagnostics Option for ScanExpress Runner
ScanExpress ADO
ScanExpress ADO - Corelis, Inc.
Being able to quickly pin point faults can provide the difference between a long night at the office or spending time at home with the family.ScanExpress ADO is designed to take diagnostic guesswork out of the equation. The fully automated analysis option quickly parses test vectors and identifies faults down to the net and pin level.
System-Level Interconnect Solution For ScanExpress Boundary-Scan Tools
ScanExpress Merge
ScanExpress Merge - Corelis, Inc.
Combine Multiple Assembly Test Files Corelis ScanExpress Merge, a member of the ScanExpress suite of boundaryscan test tools, is a software application designed to import and join test files for multiple independent assemblies and assist in configuration of a combined test procedure.Using completed ScanExpress TPG test files and module interconnection data, ScanExpress Merge quickly combines combined test plan files for system testing with minimal user effort.
Boundary-Scan Interactive Analyzer & Toolkit
ScanExpress JTAG Debugger
ScanExpress JTAG Debugger - Corelis, Inc.
Test probe access is a luxury—modern electronic system design techniques such as blind and buried vias or ball-grid-array (BGA) devices guarantee limited signal access. Test points quickly reduce precious board real-estate and can even degrade performance. ScanExpress JTAG Debugger overcomes these limitations to provide the control and visibility necessary to quickly debug and test hardware, using a simple JTAG port to interface with IEEE-1149.1 compliant devices.Whether debugging prototype hardware, enhancing production tests with boundary-scan control, or diagnosing a faulty board in the field, ScanExpress Debugger’s easy-to-use and versatile interface helps engineers test and debug systems faster and more efficiently.
Universal In-System Programming Tool
ScanExpress JTAG Programmer
ScanExpress JTAG Programmer - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress JTAG Programmer is a universal in-system programming (ISP) solution designed for convenience and versatility—a modular, multi-functional, and high-performance tool to program, read, and verify Flash memories, serial EEPROMs, CPLDS, FPGAs, and more.Like all Corelis ScanExpress family products, ScanExpress Programmer is a tool for all phases of the product life cycle—whether programming early code during product development, programming production code during manufacturing, or reprogramming units out in the field, ScanExpress Programmer is designed to fit all in-system-programming needs.
Flash Memory In-System Programming File Generation
ScanExpress Flash Generator
ScanExpress Flash Generator - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress Flash Generator is a tool to quickly create Flash programming files for use with ScanExpress™ software. The application operates as a standalone utility or integrates into ScanExpress TPG for creation and reuse of boundary-scan test files for in-system programming (ISP).ScanExpress Flash Generator combines a board Netlist, scan chain description, and BSDL files to automatically create Flash Programming Information (FPI) files. These files include all information necessary for ScanExpress Runner™ or ScanExpress Programmer™ execution systems to perform read, write, erase, and verify operations—in-system using high performance Corelis hardware.
Advanced Diagnostics for ScanExpress™ JET JTAG Embedded Test Solutions
ScanExpress JET Advanced Solutions
ScanExpress JET Advanced Solutions - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress JET advanced diagnostics add additional diagnostic resolution with fully automated analysis translating functional test results to down to the net and pin level, even with BGA packages.The seamless integration with ScanExpress JET and ScanExpress Runner as well as the ability to output ScanExpress Viewer fault reports for PCB visualization make ScanExpress JET Advanced Diagnostics a must-have tool for any JTAG test system.
Test Pattern Generator Software
ScanExpress TPG
ScanExpress TPG - Corelis, Inc.
To deliver a product meeting the highest standards of quality and reliability, design engineers and test engineers alike must maintain test capabilities throughout the entire product life cycle, from prototype to manufacturing. Automation in test generation is essential to ensure that tests keep up with the rapid development of modern products.The ScanExpress TPG™ Intelligent Test Pattern Generator Software provides a highly advanced, automated boundary-scan test design environment—perfect for quick and efficient creation of complete boundary-scan tests for all IEEE-1149.1 and IEEE-1149.6 compliant circuit boards.
At-Speed Non-Intrusive Functional Testing
ScanExpress JET
ScanExpress JET - Corelis, Inc.
Functional circuit board testing presents many challenges that are often costly and time consuming. Most functional tests need to be customized for each design, limiting reusability. This results in software engineers vying for time between development code and test code. Even when functional tests become available, the diagnostic details are often inadequate to give clear visibility on a given problem.ScanExpress JET is a tool designed to overcome these challenges by automating the functional test generation process on CPU–based IEEE-1149.1 compliant circuit boards. Coined JTAG Embedded Test, JET is the preferred method for at-speed, non-intrusive functional testing.
Boundary-Scan Test Coverage Analysis Tool
ScanExpress DFT Analyzer
ScanExpress DFT Analyzer - Corelis, Inc.
Test coverage statistics provide engineers and managers valuable information to make critical decisions in product development and manufacturing.ScanExpress DFT Analyzer is an automatic test coverage analysis tool for printed circuit boards and systems that include a mix of boundary-scan and non-boundary-scan devices. The tool assists design and test engineers to increase fault coverage and reduce boundary-scan test procedure development times. Using ScanExpress DFT Analyzer results in better informed test decisions.
Boundary-Scan Test Executive
ScanExpress Runner
ScanExpress Runner - Corelis, Inc.
Efficiency in engineering means managing your most precious resources: time and effort. Automated testing is essential and boundary-scan is a critical component; no other structural test system provides the same value.When down to the wire, your boundary-scan test system needs to be built both for ease-of-use and reliability; a robust and powerful mechanism to ensure that no matter the state of production, all boundary-scan tests can be quickly and faithfully executed to maintain forward momentum.
Test Program Execution for High-Volume Production Systems
ScanExpress Runner Gang
ScanExpress Runner Gang - Corelis, Inc.
Electronic manufacturing test systems must be fast and efficient. Schedules today are shorter, products are more complex, and the market demands higher speed—the product needs to be built and shipped yesterday.ScanExpress Runner Gang Edition is a concurrent boundary-scan and in-system programming test executive designed specifically for high volume production. Unlike traditional test systems which execute sequentially on a single unit under test (UUT) at a time, ScanExpress Runner Gang Edition provides concurrent (gang) testing on up to 8 UUTs for improved test and programming times.
Visual Fault Diagnostics and Repair System
ScanExpress Viewer
ScanExpress Viewer - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress Viewer™ is a printed circuit board (PCB) CAD data & photograph visualization tool for boundary-scan test development, electronic manufacturing test, and product repair environments.When combined with ScanExpress ADO™ (Advanced Diagnostics Option) for detailed results from ScanExpress Runner™, ScanExpress Viewer displays fault coordinates and connected traces superimposed directly on a board photograph or CAD layout diagram for expedient repair.
Boundary-Scan Advanced Diagnostics Option for ScanExpress Runner
ScanExpress ADO
ScanExpress ADO - Corelis, Inc.
Being able to quickly pin point faults can provide the difference between a long night at the office or spending time at home with the family.ScanExpress ADO is designed to take diagnostic guesswork out of the equation. The fully automated analysis option quickly parses test vectors and identifies faults down to the net and pin level.
System-Level Interconnect Solution For ScanExpress Boundary-Scan Tools
ScanExpress Merge
ScanExpress Merge - Corelis, Inc.
Combine Multiple Assembly Test Files Corelis ScanExpress Merge, a member of the ScanExpress suite of boundaryscan test tools, is a software application designed to import and join test files for multiple independent assemblies and assist in configuration of a combined test procedure.Using completed ScanExpress TPG test files and module interconnection data, ScanExpress Merge quickly combines combined test plan files for system testing with minimal user effort.
Boundary-Scan Interactive Analyzer & Toolkit
ScanExpress JTAG Debugger
ScanExpress JTAG Debugger - Corelis, Inc.
Test probe access is a luxury—modern electronic system design techniques such as blind and buried vias or ball-grid-array (BGA) devices guarantee limited signal access. Test points quickly reduce precious board real-estate and can even degrade performance. ScanExpress JTAG Debugger overcomes these limitations to provide the control and visibility necessary to quickly debug and test hardware, using a simple JTAG port to interface with IEEE-1149.1 compliant devices.Whether debugging prototype hardware, enhancing production tests with boundary-scan control, or diagnosing a faulty board in the field, ScanExpress Debugger’s easy-to-use and versatile interface helps engineers test and debug systems faster and more efficiently.
Universal In-System Programming Tool
ScanExpress JTAG Programmer
ScanExpress JTAG Programmer - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress JTAG Programmer is a universal in-system programming (ISP) solution designed for convenience and versatility—a modular, multi-functional, and high-performance tool to program, read, and verify Flash memories, serial EEPROMs, CPLDS, FPGAs, and more.Like all Corelis ScanExpress family products, ScanExpress Programmer is a tool for all phases of the product life cycle—whether programming early code during product development, programming production code during manufacturing, or reprogramming units out in the field, ScanExpress Programmer is designed to fit all in-system-programming needs.
Flash Memory In-System Programming File Generation
ScanExpress Flash Generator
ScanExpress Flash Generator - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress Flash Generator is a tool to quickly create Flash programming files for use with ScanExpress™ software. The application operates as a standalone utility or integrates into ScanExpress TPG for creation and reuse of boundary-scan test files for in-system programming (ISP).ScanExpress Flash Generator combines a board Netlist, scan chain description, and BSDL files to automatically create Flash Programming Information (FPI) files. These files include all information necessary for ScanExpress Runner™ or ScanExpress Programmer™ execution systems to perform read, write, erase, and verify operations—in-system using high performance Corelis hardware.
Advanced Diagnostics for ScanExpress™ JET JTAG Embedded Test Solutions
ScanExpress JET Advanced Solutions
ScanExpress JET Advanced Solutions - Corelis, Inc.
ScanExpress JET advanced diagnostics add additional diagnostic resolution with fully automated analysis translating functional test results to down to the net and pin level, even with BGA packages.The seamless integration with ScanExpress JET and ScanExpress Runner as well as the ability to output ScanExpress Viewer fault reports for PCB visualization make ScanExpress JET Advanced Diagnostics a must-have tool for any JTAG test system.