Control Coupling Analysis
VerOLink - Verocel, Inc.
VerOLink (Verify Object Linking) is a verification tool (DO-178B, DO-330, IEC 61508 and ISO 26262) that helps satisfy the control coupling objective. Control coupling provides a measure of the correctness of the integration of many independently compiled object files linked to form a single executable image. Even if all requirements based tests are performed on the integrated executable image and the coverage is measured at the object code level without instrumenting the code, the possibility still exists that the linker could have linked a function call incorrectly. VerOLink is used to provide this final check. Verification of the code integration is fully automatic with VerOLink. The tool analyzes the executable image to find all functions and all function calls and their locations in the object files. By analyzing the object files used in an application, VerOLink verifies that the function calls within an executable image have been resolved correctly when the linker combined the object files