GPIB to Ethernet to Instrument Interface
Model 4865B - ICS Electronics
* Adds a GPIB Interface to Instruments with a VXI-11 or Raw Socket Ethernet Interface.
* Transparent data transfer handles ASCII and binary data.
* Controllable with any IEEE-488.2 GPIB Controller
* VXI-11 protocol supports control, abort and reverse channels.
* Raw Socket protocol includes substitute command strings for GPIB Device Trigger, Device Clear and Interface Clear.
* Auto-Find feature simplifies instrument linkage
* Reuses existing test software with new Ethernet instruments.
* Easy configuration with the 4865B's internal webserver.
* Drop in replacement for the original Model 4865 with 2x to 5x speed increase.
* 1 U high rack mount kit mounts one or two 4865Bs.
* Includes universal 115/230 VAC Power Adapter.