Vibration Control
M+P International (M+P International)
m+p VibControl vibration controllers for advanced vibration control and shock testing from 4 to hundreds of input channels are used by many of the leading environmental test laboratories throughout the world. The endusers appreciate the intuitive operation, the extensive analysis and reporting functions, the numerous upgrade possibilities and, of course, the excellent stability and high quality level of the m+p vibration control systems. Applications range from normal to very extreme conditions, and also include rough transportation circumstances.
Random Vibration Control
Random control is one of the two basic and most common excitation modes for Environmental Shaker testing. Random performs real-time closed-loop control of PSD profiles. The m+p VibControl vibration control system allows the user to designate all input channels as control, watchdog and/or measurement channels.
Sine Vibration Control
Sine control is one of the two basic and most common excitation modes for Environmental Shaker testing. This control mode performs real-time closed-loop control of swept sine vibration. The m+p VibControl vibration control system allows the user to designate all input channels as control, watchdog and/or measurement channels.
Shock Control
Shock testing simulates an extreme event that a unit under test is exposed to during handling, shipment, explosive event and/or daily use (e.g. dropping an object). The profile for this type of testing is defined by the shape of the time domain waveform together with its amplitude and duration. The m+p VibControl vibration control system offers full functionality for classical shock and shock response spectrum testing as well as for tests using external pulses or the capture of transient signals.
Mixed Mode Testing
The Mixed Mode add-on modules for the Random Vibration Control Software allow tests to run with sine tones and/or narrowband random signals superimposed on a random background. Mixed mode testing is a complex control task, and m+p VibControl supports three modes: Sine-on-Random (SoR), Random-on-Random (RoR) and Sine-on-Random-on-Random (SoRoR). Gunfire burst control can also be superimposed in each case.
Time Domain Replication (Road Load Simulation)
The powerful graphical editor makes it easy to review and compile your field sample data for use in the test lab. The point editor, filters, velocity and displacement compensation ensure the test feasibility is evaluated at an early stage. The continuous closed-loop controller then replicates the test files with very high levels of precision. The control algorithms use a continuous coherence averaging technique to ensure a stable proactive control loop that will not only provide accurate replication but will also respond to changes in test item dynamics.
Data Reduction
Data reduction systems with or without time history recording to throughput disc are frequently used in critical aerospace testing applications where complete measurements of a high number of channels are required for post-test and possible failure analysis. The m+p VibControl data reduction system configurations are tailored to the specific needs of high-performance measurement applications requiring hundreds or thousands of input channels.
Time History Recording to Throughput Disc
For the most critical tests time history data can be recorded in parallel with vibration control with no reduction in control performance. The real-time throughput data capture function of the m+p VibControl system allows you to record all selected channels continuously in the time domain on the embedded data server (“throughput to disc”) irrespective of the channel count and the frequency range utilized. This means that you can always access all the original data for analysis purposes.
Multi-Axis Vibration Control
m+p VibControl provides coupled and uncoupled multi-axis vibration testing (MIMO) in a closed control loop. Test modes include random, sine, shock and time domain replication (road load simulation). Multi-axis motions are characteristic of field environments. The more a vibration test can replicate the field environment, the more realistically it can induce a vibration stress loading equivalent to that experienced by the product in the field.
Vibration Monitoring
Vibration tests must be safe and reliable and this is especially true for high value specimens in critical aerospace testing applications. Here, m+p Coda offers maximum safety: The monitoring system captures and records data such as acceleration, temperature and strain continuously during vibration tests - irrespective of the vibration control system in use. Each channel can be configured separately for total flexibility.
Acoustic Control System
m+p VibControl performs acoustic testing in reverberation chambers and direct field environments as well as progressive wave tube testing. It is a fully automatic digital control system, providing fast, accurate and repeatable control of high-level noise to a reference octave band spectrum and the overall sound pressure level (OASPL). The control guarantees a high level of product safety.
Transducer Calibration
m+p SensCal
m+p SensCal - M+P International
Regular transducer calibration is an essential requirement for maintaining the accuracy, reliability and repeatability of the results obtained from a measurement system. m+p international’s m+p SensCal program provides a quick and simple process for calibrating accelerometers (piezo-electric with charge output or IEPE, piezo-resistive, capacitive) in your laboratory, as well as velocity or displacement transducers.