ORTEC offers an extensive lineup of radiation measurement instruments and systems for alpha and gamma spectroscopy, gross alpha/beta counting, health physics and waste assay, educational experiments, specialized applications and more.
Food Monitoring Systems
Is a system of repeated examination, measurement and evaluation of levels of undesirable substances, such as plant protection products, heavy metals and other contaminants, in and on food.
Health Physics Systems
Detection and quantification of radioactive material within the body is a key factor in determining internal personnel contamination and dose assessment. These measurements can be made on body fluid samples using lab instrumentation or through direct measurement of personnel. The measurement of body fluids is generally less attractive due to the bio-hazards and lack of immediate results unless non-gamma emitting nuclide measurements are required. The direct measurement of personnel for gamma emitting radioactive material provides rapid results, can determine where the material may be located within the body, and does not require mobility of the material through body fluids for detection.
Gross Alpha/Beta Measurement Systems
Gross alpha/beta measurement is one of the simplest radioanalytical procedures which are applied widely as a screening technique in the field of radioecology, environmental monitoring and industrial applications. This procedure has been developed to determine whether radionuclide specific analysis is required to further characterize the water. Regular measurements of gross alpha and gross beta activity in water may be invaluable for early detection of radioactive contamination and indicate the need for supplemental data on concentrations of more hazardous radionuclides.
Gross Gamma Screening System
The Gross Gamma Screening system is intended for the rapid screening of urine samples for the presence of elevated radioactivity in a post-radiological event scenario. This system allows up to eight urine samples to be counted simultaneously in discretely shielded 3” x 3” NaI Well radiation detectors to quickly identify elevated radioactivity from personnel in the exposed population. This screening process provides critical information to Emergency Response Agencies and is accomplished with minimal operator training.
Compton Suppression Counting Systems
Compton-Suppression Systems are used to reduce the background continuum for low-background counting, thus improving the Minimum Detectable Activity and overall spectrum quality – particularly for small volume samples such as air filters and petri dishes.
Chemical Weapons Identification Systems
Portable Isotopic Neutron Spectroscopy (PINS) Systems have been deployed world-wide; increasingly, being deployed as part of national counter-terrorist efforts. PINS provides a non-contact and non-destructive means of identifying the CHEMICAL contents of "suspect" packages.
Nuclear Safeguard Systems
Nuclear Safeguards are measures to verify that States comply with their international obligations not to use nuclear materials (plutonium, uranium and thorium) for nuclear explosives purposes. Global recognition of the need for such verification is reflected in the requirements of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) for the application of safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Also, the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (the Euratom Treaty) includes requirements for the application of safeguards by the European Commission. Organizations such as the IAEA and EURATOM and others are tasked with ensuring declared amounts of material are indeed present in the facilities in which they are stored and that such material is not being diverted to other uses.
Custom Systems
ORTEC strives to meet your measurement needs in every aspect. If one of our standard solutions is not the answer, we have the expertise, equipment, and commitment to design and develop robust solutions that satisfy your particular application requirements.