Ensure Accurate Screening, Diagnosis & Monitoring
Ultrasound QA Solutions - Sun Nuclear Corp. (SNC)
Gammex is the only ultrasound QA solutions manufacturer with expertise in medical physics since 1969.The 156 phantom helped establish the mammography repeatability and reproducibility standard: any mammography technologist (radiographer) at any time, on any machine, can provide the same image set to help detect breast cancer.We collaborated with clinical and academic thought leaders to develop our patented HE Gel and the first portable Doppler Flow phantoms in the world. HE (High Equivalency) Gel is what sets Gammex ultrasound products apart; it helps ensure all your transducers and system settings are fully tested across the entire frequency range from 2 to 18 MHz. Our HE Gel combined with our medical physics and quality control expertise gives you confidence with consistent diagnostic image quality in clinical applications.