6 Channel Function Generator / Flow Simulator
DP-cPCI-2601 - Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd. (Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd.)
DP-cPCI-2601 is a 6 Channel 2MS/s Waveform Generator with high frequency performance, versatility and compact size in an economical cPCI bus format. Signal output in the range of 10 mHz to 5 KHz with 14 bit vertical resolution makes this single slot, 6U-sized cPCI card a powerful solution to meet most demanding test stimulus.DP-cPCI-2601 uses Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technique to generate stable and accurate output waveforms down to 0.01 Hz resolution. DP-cPCI-2601 offers Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Pulse as built-in wave shapes and user defined arbitrary waveform.DP-cPCI-2601 can frequency sweep any of its function outputs. User can sweep upwards using linear sweeps.