Fracture Mechanics Clip-On Gages
Model 3541 - Jinan Testing Equipment IE Corporation (TE Solutions for Materials Testing)
The Model 3541 is designed for determination of fracture mechanics parameters such as JIC, KIC, R-curve, fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN), and testing to standards such as E1820, E399, E647, etc. These COD gages conform to the requirements of E1820 (the replacement for E813 and E1737) for JIC and R-curve determination. Special configurations are available to meet the requirements of ASTM E399 for fracture toughness (please consult the factory for these configurations). In addition, the modified groove design complies with E1820 tests where greater stability and accuracy results from the sharper groove root. Clip-on gages are used for a variety of fracture mechanics tests, including compact tension, arc shaped, disk shaped, bend specimens or other specimen geometries in compliance with ASTM and other standards organization’s test methods. Clip-on gages can be used directly on test specimens where the knife edges are integral with the test specimen or, alternately, with optional bolt-on knife edges mounted on the test specimen.The Model 3541 extensometers are strain gaged devices, making them compatible with any electronics designed for strain gaged transducers. Most often they are connected to a test machine controller. The signal conditioning electronics for the extensometer is typically included with the test machine controller or may often be added. In this case the extensometer is shipped with the proper connector and wiring to plug directly into the electronics. For systems lacking the required electronics, Epsilon can provide a variety of solutions, allowing the extensometer output to be connected to data acquisition boards, chart recorders or other equipment.