Electronic Instruments
The ORTEC range of modular electronics includes instruments in NIM formats as well as other modular instruments, such as photomultiplier bases, preamplifiers and other accessories. ORTEC also offers modular instruments for pulse height spectroscopy, fast timing, counting, high voltage power supplies and other special functions.
Multichannel Analyzers
Multichannel Analyzers (MCAs) are workhorse instruments in many scientific measurements. An MCA analyzes a stream of voltage pulses and sorts them into a histogram, or “spectrum” of number of events, versus pulse-height, which may often relate to energy or time of arrival. The stored spectrum may then be displayed and analyzed.
Single Channel Analyzers
A single channel analyzer (SCA) produces an output logic pulse on the condition that the peak amplitude of its input signal falls within the pulse-height window that is established with two preset threshold levels. ORTEC provides two basic types or classifications of SCAs: non-timing SCAs and timing SCAs. Non-timing SCAs produce an output pulse if the input signal is within the window settings. Timing SCAs produce an output logic signal precisely related in time to the occurrence of the event being measured.
Counters, Timers, And Ratemeters
ORTEC offers the broadest range of nuclear counters, timers, rate meters and multichannel scalers. Counters simply count the number of input pulses received during the counting period. Timers count pulses generated by an internal or external clock and are used to measure elapsed time, or to establish the length of the counting period. Rate meters provide a readout of the pulse count rate. Multichannel scalers count the number of events that occur during a specified time interval, referred to as the dwell time, resulting in a time-histogram of counts. “Standalone” and programmable computer controlled versions are available.
Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Bases
Scintillation detectors produce light as they absorb energy, and these light flashes result in the release of a proportionate number of photoelectrons at the cathode of a photomultiplier tube (PMT). Each of the ORTEC Photomultiplier Tube Bases is designed to accommodate a particular type of PMT to distribute the operating voltages to all its elements, and to derive signals from it.
The amplifier is one of the most important components in a pulse processing system for applications in counting, timing, or pulse amplitude (energy) spectroscopy, providing the pulse-shaping controls needed to optimize the performance of the analog electronics.
Delays And Gates
Delays, Gate and Delay Generators, Logic Modules, and Linear Gates are used in many research or teaching experiments and in non-research applications such as actively shielded spectroscopy systems. Delay modules allow the alignment in time of signals from different paths, so that a logical decision can be made within a logic module which will often result in an electronic go/no-go decision as to whether a particular detector analog output will be processed within an associated multichannel analyzer.
Digital Current Integrator
The ORTEC Model 439 Digital Current Integrator was designed to accurately measure DC currents or the average value of pulse currents such as produced by accelerator beams. It digitizes the input current by producing an output pulse for specific values of input charge. A front-panel switch permit the selection of three different amounts of charge (10–10, 10–8 or 10–6 coulomb) required to produce an output pulse. The instrument has a digitizing rate from 0 to 10 kHz to provide wide dynamic range on each setting and high-resolution readout without meter interpolation.
Fast Timing Discriminators
Fast timing discriminators enable the counting of narrow pulses at very high counting rates, and/or precisely marking the arrival time of these same pulses. They are designed to achieve the best time resolution and the highest counting rates by operating on the fast-rising detector signal.
NIM Power Supplies And Bins
ORTEC offers two types of power supplies for use with NIM instrumentation: power supplies that provide operating voltages for a detector (more properly called detector bias supplies or “HV” supplies) and power supplies that provide the necessary operating voltages for NIM Modular electronic instruments in the form of a NIM “Bin” with associated power supply.
The primary function of a preamplifier is to extract the signal from the detector without significantly degrading the intrinsic signal-to noise ratio. Three basic types of preamplifiers are available: the current-sensitive preamplifier, the parasitic-capacitance preamplifier, and the charge-sensitive preamplifier. ORTEC manufactures a preamplifier to fit your detector, your application, and your budget.
Pulse Generators
Pulse generators provide electronic pulses which mimic events from radiation detectors and are useful in set-up, diagnostics, and noise measurement in spectroscopy systems.
Time to Amplitude Converters and Calibrator
A Time-to-Amplitude Converter (TAC) can achieve exceptional precision by using an analog technique to convert small time intervals to pulse amplitudes. When a timing application demands picosecond precision, a time-to-amplitude converter is a prime candidate. A time-to-amplitude converter is a productive solution for measurements less than 10 μs when time resolutions from 10 ps to 50 ns are required.