Serial Interfaces
All of ICS's Serial Interfaces provide GPIB like IEEE-488.2 functionality over an RS-232 or RS-485 Serial link and are serial devices.
Isolated Serial To Analog Interfaces
ICS's Serial to Analog Interfaces are designed to provide isolated analog and digital drive signals to control power supplies and other devices. Available in rack mountable Miniboxes™ and IN OEM board versions. All of ICS's Serial to Analog Interfaces are fully IEEE-488.2 compliant and HP-IB compatible.
Serial Data Acquisition And Control Interfaces
ICS's Serial to Data Acquisition and Control Interfaces are IEEE-488.2 compliant and and provide GPIB functionality over a serial link. Click on a link or scroll down to access the appropriate Serial Digital Interface:Our Serial to Data Acquisition and Control Interfaces have non-isolated analog and digital signals. Click here for our isolated Serial to Analog Interfaces.
Serial to Digital Interface
All of ICS's Serial Digital Interfaces are user configurable and let you transfer data as bits, bytes or as strings of bytes. All data lines are high power TTL outputs or floating inputs with pullup resistors for sensing CMOS signals or switch contacts. All interfaces conform to the IEEE-488.2 Standard and are HP-IB compatible.
Serial To Digital Interface MiniBox™
ICS's 2363 Serial Digital Interface provides a fully enclosed parallel interface that is suitable for benchtop or rack mount applications. OEM board versions available for inclusion in test chassis.
Serial To Digital Interface Boards
*ICS's Serial to Digital Interface boards provide the user with digital IO signals that can be user configured to match virtually any application. Both boards are available with high power relay drivers and with optional firmware designed to simplify switching applications.*All boards are designed for mounting inside a chassis.
Serial Controlled Relays And Relay Drivers
*ICS's Serial controlled Relay Interfaces provide the user with a choice of 16 contact closures or 16 relay driver outputs for driving external relays. All of the Serial to Relay Interfaces include 8 isolated digital inputs. Available in ICS's Minibox™ or as an OEM board.*All interfaces are IEEE-488.2 compliant and use SCPI commands for operation with NI or Agilent VISA, LabVIEW and VEE or any Serial programming language. Use ICS's interactive Serial Keyboard program for easy operation from your PC without having to write a program.
Modbus Register Converter - Serial To Modbus RTU Interface
Translates Modbus registers and variable types from an older Modbus devices to a new Modbus device. The Model 2390 allows upgrading Modbus RTU devices without changing the system software. The 2390 also provides serial control of Modbus RTU devices for new applications that want the ease of using simple ASCII commands strings when controlling Modbus RTU devices.
ANSI X3.28 To Modbus RTU - Serial To Modbus RTU Converter
Designed for legacy systems where there is a need to replace older X3.28 protocol Controllers and with new Modbus RTU Controllers. The Model 2399 provides ANSI X3.28 to Modbus RTU Conversion without changing the existing system software. The 2399 also provides serial control of Modbus RTU devices for new applications that want the ease of using simple ASCII commands when controlling Modbus RTU devices.