High Performance Embedded Development Kit
TySOM EDK - Aldec, Inc.
The TySOM™ Embedded Development Kit is for the embedded designers who need a high-performance RTL simulator/debugger for their embedded applications such as IoT, Automotive, Factory automation, UAV and Robotics. The kit includes Riviera-PRO™ Advanced Verification Platform and a TySOM development/prototyping board. TySOM boards come with either a Zynq 7000 chip (FPGA + Dual ARM® Cortex™-A9) or with a Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC device. These boards include memories, and various communication and multimedia interfaces in addition to FMC connectors for peripheral expansion. Reference designs for application such as IoT, ADAS, 4K UltraHD imaging and Robotics and a complete reference design, which contains the SW (Linux) and all the hardware blocks required to support the peripherals on the board, are provided.