Network Interface Module
2105 LTE - Teledyne ISCO
The 2105 Interface Module is a powerful solution for environmental monitoring professionals to interface different monitoring and recording instruments.
The 2105 will monitor the recorded data and take intelligent actions, such as sampler enabling, pacing, and/or alarm generation, based on user-specified conditions.
Its unique flexibility allows connection to several devices at the same time. 2100 Series Flow Modules, 6712 Samplers, and Teledyne ISCO Rain Gauges are directly compatible. It can also be used with non-Teledyne ISCO instruments that have SDI-12 or Modbus output. Additional input options (4-20 mA, etc.) are possible using readily-available aftermarket converters.
An optional built-in cell phone modem allows remote access to data that has been stored within the 2105, and can fed to a central server via the Internet.
Teledyne ISCO’s modular design allows the 2105 to be stacked with other 2100 Series flow, communication, interface, or display modules.