Air Amplifiers
Nex Flow® Air amplifiers are compact, low cost air flow “movers” that are virtually maintenance free. Applications include the venting of fumes and smoke, conveying of low weight materials, and entraining a high volume of air to cool, blow off, and dry. Air Amplfiiers use the “Coanda effect” to draw in the surrounding atmosphereic air while consuming only aminimal amount of compressed air. These products can amplify airflow up to 17 times (depending on the size) resulting in dramatcally reduced levels of noise. Air Amplifiers (also called Air Movers) draw in atmospheric air from the back of the unit as well as having downstream entrainment further amplifying the flow. They are used for cooling and venting. While the force produced for blow off decreases as the amplifier outlet diameter increases, these Air Movers are ideal for cooling because of the high velocity outlet fow and and are much more effective for cooling compaed to air nozzles.