Adjustable Clamshell Bed of Nails Testers
AdjustaBON Family - Test Electronics (Test Electronics)
Designed for quick test development. This fixture can be configured to probe almost any circuit board in just a few hours. Once the perfect test is developed, move this light weight fixture out to the production floor to evaluate your production line test strategy prior to buying permanently drilled test fixtures, or while waiting for your drilled fixtures to be delivered. The AdjustaBON competes with the Flying Prober. There are many advantages over the flying prober. Setup is simple and intuitive and can be much quicker than programming a flying prober. Small size provides versatile bench top operation right where you need it. Maintenance costs are insignificant in comparison. The total cost of this fixture is in many cases less than the yearly maintenance cost of a flying prober. It would be possible to buy one of these fixtures every year for the price paid just to maintain one flying prober and it is about 1/20th the purchase price