Surface Quality Monitors
Photo Emission Tech., Inc. (PET)
PET manufactures and markets non-destructive, non-contact surface contamination and thin film detection models and automated systems (surface quality monitoring system) capable of detecting thin layer contamination, thin films and coating down to the Angstrom level. These systems represent a major breakthrough by providing, for the first time, a quantitative measure of surface cleanliness. As surface cleanliness verification instruments, in a part cleaning environment, these products are capable of validating the cleaning quality of all the part cleaning equipment available in the market. Any of SQM model series is capable of verifying metal contamination; monitoring absence/presence of organic and/or inorganic on virtually on surfaces of all metals. They are, price/performance, the most sufficient product available for testing surface of metals for surface cleanliness. These systems operate in an ambient environment, require no sample preparation or deposit of any agents on the surface. In any parts cleaning environment where the quality and efficiency of part cleaning equipment for removal of surface contamination is highly desired, these systems provide a scientific solution by quantitatively measuring the surface cleanliness. The SQM series has the sensitivity and operational simplicity required to provide fast and cost effective surface evaluation for all metals.