One, Two, or Four Dual Redundant Interface MIL-STD-1553A/B Test & Simulation Module for PXI Express
PXIe-1553 - Avionics Interface Technologies (AIT)
1, 2, or 4 dual redundant MIL-STD-1553 bus interfaces
Concurrent BC, multiple RT (31), and BM operations
Full error injection and detection • Data capture filtering, 100% bus recording, and physical bus replay
Multi-level Trigger for Capture/Filtering
IRIG-B Time Encoder/Decoder
Real-Time Recording and Physical Bus Replay
Application interfaces supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development
Device Driver Support for: Windows, Linux, and LabVIEW Real Time (others provided on request)
10 high voltage (up to 30V) programmable DIO lines
Flight Simulyzer GUI Analyzer software