Data Acquisition Device A2D / D2A
General Features
10 DAC channels
5 ADC channels
Differential or single ended IOs
Full scale bipolar or unipolar signaling
- Protocols
- Data Acquisition Device A2D / D2A
- Multi Protocol Boards
- Multi Protocol 4000 Modules
- Multi Protocol 8000 Modules
- Boards
- Boards
- Mini Munitions Store Interface
- H009 Modules
- Board
- Board
- ARINC-717 Bus
- Avionics Communications Bus
- AS5643 (FireWire) - 1394B Protocols
- Serial (RS-232/422/485) Module for Multi Protocol 4000 Boards
- Discrete Module for Multi Protocol 4000 Boards
- CAN Bus & ARINC-825 (825CAN)
- Power Supply
- Ethernet
- Isolated DC Power Supply for PC104-PCI Express Embedded Applications
- Multi-Protocol Board
PCI Card
EXC-8000PCIe104/xx - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The EXC-8000PCIe104/xx card for PCI/104-Express systems supports up to four dual redundant 1760 channels using the M8K1553Px(S)-1760 module and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 (A,B). In addition, Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words are supported on each channel.
PCI Express Card
EXC-8000PCIe/xx - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The EXC-8000PCIe/xx card for the PCI Express bus supports up to forty ARINC-429 channels in any combination of transmit and/or receive. All of the channels feature error injection and detection.
Multi-Protocol Interface for USB or Ethernet Equipped Computers
EXC-Unet2/Px - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
Multi-Protocol Interface for USB or Ethernet Equipped Computers
PCI Express Card
EXC-8000PCIe/xx - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The EXC-8000PCIe/xx card for the PCI Express bus supports up to forty ARINC-429 channels in any combination of transmit and/or receive. All of the channels feature error injection and detection.
PCI Card
EXC-8000PCIe104/xx - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
The EXC-8000PCIe104/xx card for PCI/104-Express systems supports up to four dual redundant 1760 channels using the M8K1553Px(S)-1760 module and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 (A,B). In addition, Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words are supported on each channel.
Multi-Protocol Interface for USB or Ethernet Equipped Computers
EXC-Unet2/Px - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
Multi-Protocol Interface for USB or Ethernet Equipped Computers
Excalibur Systems provides a large selection of board level products for test & simulation, as well as, the embedded environment. Choose from a number of avionic protocols under platforms such as, USB/Ethernet, PC/104, PMC, PCI, Compact PCI, VME and VXI.