PXIe Vector Network Analyzer, 10 MHz To 20 GHz
M9834A - Keysight Technologies
The M9834A PXI network analyzer (VNA) offers unrivaled performance for testing multiport, multisite, multi-DUT modulated signal measurement from 10 MHz to 20 GHz.
Vector Network Analyzer
Format: PXIe
MCX Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: MCX
Mini HDMI (Male): Quantity: 1
MCX Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: MCX
Mini HDMI (Male): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
MM Connector Female: Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector: SMA
CalPod Controller
85523B - Keysight Technologies
The operation of the CalPods is via VNA firmware, and the CalPod controller provides the control signals for operation of the CalPod calibration refresh modules. The CalPod controller interfaces with the PNA family and M937xA PXIe vector network analyzers.
TVAC CalPod, 20 GHz
85532B - Keysight Technologies
CalPods provide a new and unique way to quickly and easily refresh a network analyzer calibration, at the push of a button, and without removing the DUT or re-connecting standards. Very useful in thermal-vacuum chamber testing, where it is desired to remove the thermal effects of the test cables and connectors from the DUT’s response, and where it is impractical to stop the testing to perform a normal re-calibration.
Temp Characterized CalPod, 20 GHz
85531B - Keysight Technologies
CalPods provide a new and unique way to quickly and easily refresh a network analyzer calibration, at the push of a button and without removing the DUT or re-connecting standards. Very useful in thermal chamber testing, where it is desired to remove the thermal effects of the test cables and connectors from the DUT’s response, and where it is impractical to stop the thermal testing to perform a normal re-calibration.
Ambient Temperature CalPod Module, 20 GHz
85530B - Keysight Technologies
CalPods provide a new and unique way to quickly and easily refresh a network analyzer calibration, at the push of a button and without removing the DUT or re-connecting standards.
CalPod Drive Cable, 40 GHz, 2 Meter
85553A - Keysight Technologies
This cable provides the bias voltages and control signals for operation of the 40 GHz CalPod modules. This cable is supplied with the 85540/41/42A CalPod modules.
Splitter Drive Cable, 2 Meter
85555A - Keysight Technologies
This cable is used to connect the 85523A/B CalPod controller to the 85556A CalPod control cable splitter. If longer distances are required, use the 85554A 10 meter drive cable extension. This cable is supplied with the 85556A CalPod control cable splitter.
CalPod Drive Cable Extension, 10 Meter
85554A - Keysight Technologies
85554A CalPod Drive Cable (10 meter length) extends the length of CalPod control cables when the distance between the 85523B to the CalPod modules is >2 m.
Physical Layer Test System
N19301B - Keysight Technologies
The N19301B Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2022 software is a powerful signal integrity tool for today’s high-speed digital designers.
Multiport Calibration Assistant
S95552B - Keysight Technologies
The S95552B software application flexibly creates and manages calibration sets for multiport measurements. This software enables you to combine multiple calibration sets with independent test ports as one calibration set with a greater number of test ports. The software also offers a way to re-calibrate using a certain set of test ports to refresh the calibration set.
Materials Measurement Suite
N1500A - Keysight Technologies
With Keysight N1500A materials measurement software suite, you can determine the intrinsic electromagnetic properties of many dielectric and magnetic materials. The complete system is based on a versatile Keysight network analyzer which measures the material’s response to RF or microwave energy. The N1500A software controls the network analyzer and calculates results. Depending on the Keysight network analyzer and sample holder or fixture used, frequencies can extend from a few hundred MHz into the low THz.
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Simulator – Advanced
S94051B - Keysight Technologies
S94051B puts Keysight’s industry-leading network analyzer software portfolio into your computer. Dive deeper into data captured on an instrument with support for time domain, spectrum analysis, gain compression, and all the other software applications you use on your instrument. You can also develop and troubleshoot test programs on your computer before deploying them to the instrument. S94051B is a superset of S94050B and contains the S-parameter functionality.
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Simulator – Standard
S94050B - Keysight Technologies
S94050B puts flexible S-parameter analysis into your own computer. Dive deeper into measurements captured on a network analyzer or develop and optimize test programs before deploying them onto an instrument.
PLTS N-Port Measurement And Analysis
N19307B - Keysight Technologies
PLTS N19307B extends the N19301B base product to perform N-port (greater than 4 ports) measurements and analysis
Spectrum Analysis
S95090B - Keysight Technologies
The S95090B spectrum analyzer (SA) measurement software adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to PXI VNAs. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA software application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. The S95090B software uses the PXI network analyzer's test and reference receivers to complete simultaneous spectrum measurements. Multi-channel SA measurements leverage the PXI VNA's internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters. The S95090B spectrum analyzer software application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy. Optional external attenuators should be connected with the VNA’s test ports to avoid receiver compression when measuring large signals.
Network Analyzer N-Port Calibrated Measurements
S95551B - Keysight Technologies
PXI vector network analyzers (VNA) offer the capability to extend the number of ports for your measurements by using additional modules. When multiple modules are used, they are configured for multiport operation. The S95551B adds a multiport analyzer mode that enables full multiport error correction and measurement capabilities. The instruments may be identified as one VNA by the firmware running on an external host PC. At least one VNA instrument connected to your PC must have one S95551B license to maintain N-port capabilities.
Scalar Mixer / Converter Measurements
S95082B - Keysight Technologies
The S95082B scalar mixer / converter measurements software provides an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface for setting up mixer and converter measurements with single or dual conversion stages. It controls the analyzer’s built-in source(s) and external signal generators for use as LO signals.
Automatic Fixture Removal
S95007B - Keysight Technologies
Many devices do not have coaxial connectors and so they are put in fixtures in order to measure them in a coaxial environment. You must accurately remove the effects of the fixture to get a good measurement of the device under test (DUT). This option adds a powerful application wizard to guide you through characterizing a fixture and removing it from the measurement. The S95007B software is compatible with M980xA PXI Vector Network Analyzers.
Modulation Distortion Up To 53 GHz
S95070B - Keysight Technologies
S95070B software enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus conditions up to 53 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PXI VNA results in an extremely low residual EVM from the test setup, giving you a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S95070B software measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes nonlinear signals and linear signals through spectral correlation between the input and output spectrum, without doing demodulation. Integration with the PXI VNA’s measurement flexibility enables you to do quick modulation distortion measurements along with traditional VNA tests.
Noise Figure Measurements With Vector Correction
S95029B - Keysight Technologies
The S95029B noise figure application enables high-accuracy noise figure and noise-power measurements of amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers by using the Keysight vector-source-correction technique. Using a source-impedance tuner to remove the effects of imperfect system-source match, this technique produces higher accuracy results than Y-factor method and other cold-source implementations--especially for in-fixture, on-wafer, and automated-test environments.
Gain-Compression Measurements
S95086B - Keysight Technologies
The S95086B Gain-Compression Measurement (GCA) software provides fast and accurate input power, output power, gain, and phase at the compression point of an amplifier or frequency converter over a specified frequency and power range. With a simple setup, GCA reduces test times through an easy-to-use, fast, and accurate SMART Sweep. GCA also includes a guided calibration that corrects for absolute power levels, frequency response, and mismatch errors.
Embedded LO Capability
S95084B - Keysight Technologies
The S95084B software tunes the analyzer’s receivers to the output frequency of the converter under test without the need for access to internal LOs or a common reference signal.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements
S95025B - Keysight Technologies
Eliminate the need for external test sets and pulse generators using the built-in pulse modulators in the PXI VNA pulsed-RF measurement solution. S95025B also controls external pulse generators and modulators and can synchronize to external master pulses. If using external master pulses or external pulse modulators, the Y1731A PXI adapter odule is recommended.
Vector And Scalar Mixer / Converter Measurements
S95083B - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight S95083B measurement software includes the scalar mixer / converter plus phase (SMC+Phase) measurement class. It provides fully calibrated conversion gain / loss, relative phase, and absolute group delay measurements of mixers and converters without the need for reference or calibration mixers. Eliminating the calibration mixer requires a U9391C / F / G comb generator and an external DC power supply. A vector mixer characterization (VMC) is also included for measuring group delay of frequency-converting devices. VMC can be used to characterize a user-supplied calibration mixer.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements Lite
S95024B - Keysight Technologies
Using built-in pulse modulators, the PXI VNAs are complete pulsed-RF measurement solutions, eliminating the need for external test sets and pulse generators. Lite version of S95025B Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements.
Real-time S-Parameter And Power Measurement Uncertainty
S95015B - Keysight Technologies
The S95015B provides real-time measurement uncertainty for S-parameters and power measurements with the measurement traces on one screen. It lets you estimate uncertainty reliably and apply more realistic limit lines for pass/fail tests for better production yield rates.