ADI Test Fixture
TA-6500 - Tech-Aid Products
The TA-6500 test fixture combines the features of the OEM's Instrument Servo Tester(T307962), the Pointer/Flag Test Fixture(T307951) and the AD-650/600 Test Panel(T334043) all into one panel to facilitate testing of these Attitude Director Indicator's. The panel switches and adjustment pots are labeled to match the test procedure numbers and the duplicity in marking makes it easier for the technician to understand each function. The UUT interface is through a 96 pin zero insertion force(ZIF) type connector to minimize contact wear. The expanded localizer and nav input pins J2-34/35 are exposed on the panel to facilitate the insertion of a 200 ohm shunt when required. The fixtures rear panel has connectors for the required dual API/Synchro transmitter interface while the panel switches provide the correct routing of each.