ADSL / 2 / 2+ Handheld VoIP Tester
QuickTest 500 - Vonaq Ltd
*Rapid Testing. The QuickTest 500 ADSL2+ Tester's automatic Service Verification Test Suite starts as soon as you switch on (results are typically obtained in less than 3 minutes)
*Simple to use. Virtually no product training required with QuickTest 500 ADSL Tester
*Configurable Pass / Fail Indicators on the LCD display and clearly presented in multi-colour LEDs on the front panel
*No need to get a laptop out
*Save and name up to 16 test results at any one time
*Line Voltage LED indicates poor, missing or excessive Line Voltage
*ADSL/2/2+ Test LEDs to indicate if ADSL Showtime achieved
*In Service LED indicates problems with PPP or IP layer
*LEDs to indicate problems with the Trained Line Rate, poor Noise Margin or excessive Line Attenuation