Computer-Based Instruments
GT210PCIe - Guide Technology, Inc. (GuideTech)
with the GT210PCIe you can determine any frequency to 0.01 part per million (eight digits) in just 1 mS, and resolve each time measurement to 8pS. Couple that with 2300 measurements per second, one of the fastest rates available and you can acquire more data in a single second than a typical GPIB counter can in one minute! Faster measurements and higher resolution, along with built-in statistics functions give you a more thorough analysis of your signal. Standard deviation, peak to peak jitter, or a graph of the measurements are available at the push of a button.
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1
SMA Jack (Female): Quantity: 1