Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer
TFM1186 - Metrolab Technology SA (Metrolab)
The Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer TFM1186 is a member of Metrolab's THM1176 family of 3-axis handheld magnetometers. It is a lightweight, low-power, go-anywhere fluxgate magnetometer. Outstanding noise characteristics make fluxgate magnetometers the instrument of choice for measuring minute disturbances in the local magnetic field, for example due to an iron mass or AC power-line noise. The TFM1186 has a range of ±100 µT and a resolution of 4 nT. The TFM1186 simultaneously measures all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true field strength reading no matter how you hold the probe. The entire instrument has been reduced to a cable with a few fat spots, which can plug directly into your PC or into a battery-powered handheld computer. 3-axis Teslameter Gaussmeter