Airframe Mounted Gearboxes (AMAD)

Airframe Mounted Gearboxes (AMAD)

Airframe mounted accessory drives (AMADs) — Every TRIUMPH Geared Solutions accessory drive is built to the highest standards of precision and reliability. The AMAD provides power for the aircraft’s hydraulic pumps, auxiliary fuel pumps and electrical generators. It also provides engine starting capability by transmitting power from auxiliary power units. Our AMADs incorporate carburized and ground gearing and, if the specification requires, AGMA Class 14 standards. Each drive is designed for high power density to minimize weight. Special features such as self-pressurizing lubrication systems assure proper operation at all altitudes within a given flight envelope. The AMADs also contain a disconnect feature which allows ground crews to disconnect the unit for maintenance and performance of electronic and hydraulic systems checks without the engine running.

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