Advanced Test Platform
980 12G - Teledyne LeCroy quantumdata (Quantum Data)
The Teledyne LeCroy quantumdata 980 12G-SDI Video Generator / Analyzer module supports video and audio functional testing of next gen broadcast monitors, conversion devices and sources up to 12G-SDI. The module is equipped with four (4)12G-SDI-capable output ports. The output ports can be aggregated for Dual link HD-SDI and Quad link 3G-SDI operation. A genlock input supporting both SD analog black burst and HD tri-level to sync the output clocks with a "house sync" but the module can also run off its internal clock. The module's four (4) SDI input ports can also be aggregated for Dual link HD-SDI and Quad link 3G-SDI operation. For single link operation only port 1 on the input or output is functional.