Klocke Nanotechnik (Klocke Nanotechnik)
A new set of motorized tables developed by Klocke Nanotechnik allows high strokes at small volumes. The modules are driven by the Nanomotor®. Loads of up to two kg can be moved over centimeters of stroke with down to 2 nm resolution. Manipulation in many degrees of freedom is possible without backlash. The modules NMT xx-L are longer, but thin like a pencil. In most of the NMT-modules position measurement systems can be included without increasing the size. The resolution of the position sensor is better than 10 nm. All NMT modules can easily be fixed onto each other. Very small connectors allow the exchange of a module without removing cables. The NMT-Zxx are modules for vertical movement. They have an internal load compensation to lift up loads. Nanomotor-Grippers and force sensors that can easily be fixed on these modules are available.