NEON Squad Tracker
TRX Systems, Inc. (TRX Systems)
Accurate location information is critical for enabling improved navigation, situational awareness, targeting, and mapping. GPS-may be denied in triple canopy, urban canyons or indoor and subterranean environments, and can be easily jammed or spoofed. NEON Squad Tracker uses a suite of patented algorithms to opportunistically fuse inertial sensor data, GPS (including resilient GPS sources), warfighter waypoint check-in), and ultrawideband shared constraints and "dropped beacons", along with position location information from third party systems sources (psueodolite, satellite, etc.) to deliver reliable GPS-denied location. Features:Sensor fusion for dismount personnelFlexible 3rd party constraint processingIntegrates with resilient PNT sourcesWarfighter map/waypoint check-inUWB ranging and constraint sharingOperation indoor, underground, and outdoorsAPI delivers warfighter location, motion, gait