SWIR Linear Array
1024L1 - Princeton Infrared Technologies, Inc. (PIRT)
The 1024L1 is a 1024x1 state of the art InGaAs linear array imager on 12.5 µm pitch that was built for both spectroscopy and machine vision in the short wave infrared band. The 1024L1-12.5-T is an advanced digital array with the lowest read noise available <110e- for a 250 μm tall pixel. Our new advanced SWIR On-chip Noise Suppression Circuit will enable some spectroscopic applications to see read noise levels <80e-. A single ROIC chip is used thus minimizing variation from output to output found on linear arrays with multiple ROICs. The chips have built in 14bit A/Ds that are designed for the system thus maximizing dynamic range and minimizing the noise while enabling 34k lines/s at 1024 elements. Multiple full well capacities from 75ke- to 100Me- with 128 steps are available to optimize the array for the signal levels. On chip optical pixel binning (where every other detector is disconnected from the ROIC thus signal is captured by neighboring pixels) is available by command to trade spectral resolution for increased signal level. Pixel skipping or binning is also available allowing for 48k lines/s at 512 resolution on the same imager.