ATE & Test Systems
Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd. (Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd.)
Data Patterns' core business for over 20 years has been the development of Automated Test Equipment for critical aerospace requirements. Data Patterns developed a Multi Programmer with associated test automation software in 1994. Christened the DP-800 this product was adopted for the implementation of test rigs for Navigation Platform Test Benches, Engine Test Bed Automation, Cable Harness Test Systems, etc. This product was effectively utilized in the development of test benches required by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for the Polar Satellite Launch Vechicle (PSLV) and Geo Stationary Launch Vehicle (GSLV). Based on this foundation, the next generation test benches were developed in the cPCI architecture. Presently, Data Patterns develops cPCI based test systems for Laboratory applications as well as VME based test systems for challenging environmental conditions. Examples of test solutions built by Data Patterns are indicated below.