ARINC 429 Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
PCIe-C429 - Avionics Interface Technologies (AIT)
4, 8, 16, or 32 Software Programmable Tx/Rx Channels - Programmable High/Low Speed Operation - Concurrent operation of all Tx/Rx Channels at high data rates - Full error injection and detection • Data capture filtering, 100% bus recording, and physical bus replay - Rate-oriented Label Transmission - Label Selective Trigger for Capture/Filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder with free-wheeling mode - Application Interface supporting C/C++, C# and VB.NET Development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
- PCI Express Test
- ARINC 429
- PCI Express
- PCI Test
- Interfaces
- Simulation
- Test
- Bus Analyzers
- Bus Interfaces
- Application Software
- Data Analyzers
- Development Software
- Software Development
- Application Development
- Code Analyzers
- Time Code
- Time of Flight
- Bus
- Can bus
- Data
- Software
- Analyzers
- C#
- C++
- C/C++
- Code
- Detection
- Development
- Drivers
- Flight
- Linux
- Speed
- Time
- Transmission
- Windows