16-Bit Multi-Function CPCI Card With A/D, D/A And Digital I/O Channels
GX3216 Series - Marvin Test Solutions, Inc.
The GX3216 is a multi-channel analog input and output cPCI module, supporting 16 differential input channels and two analog output channels. Dedicated 1 MS/s D to As and A to Ds allow simultaneous acquisition and generation of analog signals. Input ranges are software-selectable as ±10 V, ±5 V or ±2.5 V. The inputs are divided into two channel groups, with an independent software-controlled range assignable to each group. Two analog output channels provide software-selected output ranges of ±2.5 V, ±5 V or ±10 V and independent of the input range assignments. Output data is provided via two dedicated control registers, or through a 256 K-Sample FIFO buffer for waveform generation. Six bidirectional digital I/O lines are also available and can be programmed as inputs or outputs.
cPCI Card
Format: cPCI
Ribbon (Female): Quantity: 1 Connector Positions: 80