X-Ray And Gamma Detector Systems
FAST ComTec GmbH (FAST ComTec)
The XR-100CR is a new high performance x-ray detector, preamplifier, and cooler system using a thermoelectrically cooled Si-PIN photodiode as an xray detector. Also mounted on the 2-stage cooler are the input FET and a novel feedback circuit. These components are kept at approximately -55 °C, and are monitored by an internal temperature sensor. The hermetic TO-8 package of the detector has a light tight, vacuum tight thin Beryllium window to enable soft xray detection. The XR-100T-CdTe represents a breakthrough in xray detector technology by providing “off-the-shelf” performance previously available only from expensive cryogenically cooled systems. The XR-100-CdTe is also suited for measuring gamma rays.