Isolated Four-Port Serial Interface Cards
PCI-ICM422-4 and PCI-ICM485-4 - Acces I/O Products, Inc.
These cards can be installed in any 5-volt PCI-bus computer that can accommodate "long" cards and are designed to provide effective communication on long communication lines in noisy environments. The data lines are opto-isolated from the computer and from each other to assure communication even when large common mode noise and voltages are superimposed. Type 16550 UARTs are used. These include a 16-byte transmit/receive FIFO buffer to insure against lost data in multitasking operating systems. All ports are independently addressable and an on-board crystal-controlled oscillator permits precise selection of baud rates up to 115,200 baud or, by changing a jumper, up to 460,800 baud.