Solar & Photovoltaic Products
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Single Long Pulse Solar Simulator & I-V Test System
The OAI Test System for HIGH EFFICIENCY SOLAR CELLS overcomes the limitations of flash testing by providing a highly optimized pulse width and voltage sweep rate to match the cell’s dielectric response speed. As a result, the system produces extremely accurate measurements of solar cell efficiency leading to increased profitability.
Standard Class AAA Solar Simulator
Essential for testing virtually any material or product that is exposed to sunlight for long or short periods of time, OAI’s low-cost, Standard Solar Simulators deliver highly collimated, uniform light. Depending on configuration, output on these Solar Simulators is rated at 350W -5,000W.These Class AAA Solar Simulators feature OAI’s Advanced Uniform Beam Optics and are available with a choice of air mass filters to reproduce a wide range of solar spectra. For added flexibility, OAI’s proven lens and collimating mirror technology allows for a variety of exposure area sizes. A Class AAA Solar Simulator is an essential tool for manufacturing as well as R&D; it is indispensable in test labs, industry, and in universities. OAI Standard Solar Simulators are used in photobiology, biomedical, solar cell testing, cosmetic testing, and paints & coatings analysis. Based on 35+ years of proven UV light technology, OAI Solar Simulator Systems deliver repeatable, reliable, constant output, and measurement uniformity.
Solar Simulators
Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) has the promise of producing solar cells with high cell efficiencies, which result in a reduction in the cost of operating a PV module. However, a CPV system requires the integration of CPV solar cells, modules and CPV optics into one efficient system. OAI’s focus is CPV cell testing methodology. The CPV cells can now be tested using OAI’s advanced standalone CPV Simulators for low dose and high dose configurations. The low dose CPV Solar Simulator provides exposure up to 50 Suns, whereas, the high dose CPV Solar Simulator provides exposure up to 1500 Suns. The low and high dose simulators provide exposure in varying Sun concentrations in various beam sizes from 1.5cm x 1.5cm to 7.5cm x 7.5cm, and may be configured with OAI’s I-V Test Systems.
TriSOL Large Area Solar Simulators
OAI has designed and engineered for large area markets Class AAA, ABA, or ACA Solar simulators with the same performance , quality, and reliability as our other solar simulator models. These large area solar simulators are available in several models.
TriSOL Class AAA 0.25º Collimation Angle Solar Simulators
For high performance space applications, OAI offers a 0.25 Collimation Angle Solar Simulator. It is engineered with the technology built on OAI’s 47 years of experience working with light. Features include 100mmx100mm beam size, long lens housing, AM 1.5 G and AMO spectrum up to 1800 nm or any custom spectrum, and intensity controlled up to 1.25 SUNS. These solar simulators are built with OAI’s precision, quality and reliability.
Integrated I-V Test Systems
The OAI Integrated I-V Test System is perfect for R&D as well as production, the OAI Integrated I-V Test System delivers extremely accurate solar cell performance measurement. OAI’s advanced fully Integrated I-V Test System is designed to overcome the limitations of flash testing by providing a highly optimized pulse width and voltage sweep rate to match any type of solar cell’s high capacitance and slow dielectric response speed. As a result, the system produces extremely accurate measurements of solar cell I-V parameters and efficiency while leading to the most accurate test results.
Stand-alone I-V Test Systems
OAI offers a complete line of high performance I -V Testers. I -V Testers and I -V Rider software may be ordered as a stand -alone system or integrated into any OAI Solar Simulator. Three standard ranges of I -V Testers are available; ≤1A, 1 -5A, 5 -10A, and 20A. Higher current testers are available as custom options. An OAI Application Engineer will work with you to insure that the I -V Tester and I -V Rider software you choose is optimized for your specific application.
Automated I-V/AOI/EL and Sorting System
OAI’s High Performance In-line Automated-I-V Testing, AOI/EL Inspection and Sorting/Binning System for Various Si Solar Cells. The 10000A-I-V System is a unique and reliable I-V testing, AOI/EL Inspection and Sorting / Binning system for testing of Mono, Multi-Si, C-HJT and other full Size (156mm x 156mm) and/or Cut-cell (156mm x 39mm or 156mm x 31.2mm or other custom sizes) Si Solar Cells.
Testing for Si Solar Cells Using High Performance CCD
EL Imaging Tester
EL Imaging Tester - OAI
EL Testing for Si Solar Cells using High Performance CCD. The determination of luminescence (photo emissions) in solar cells is an important characterization tool. Typical solar cells often have defects which limit the efficiency or lifetime of a cell. Many of these defects are visualized with Luminescence Imaging. By using this technique, the manufacturing process can be optimized to produce better cells. Luminescence Imaging takes advantage of the radiative inter-band recombination of excited charge carriers in solar cells. The emitted photons can be captured with a sensitive CCD camera to obtain an image of the distribution of the radiative recombination in the cell. This distribution is determined by the local excitation level, allowing the detection of electrical losses, thus mapping the diffusion length of minority carriers as the emitted light is low intensity and in the near infra-red range, the CCD camera has a high sensitivity wavelength from 900 to 1100 nm with little thermal noise. This CCD camera provides excellent resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels with a large 1μm pixel size, multi-megahertz readout speed, and robust USB 2.0 connectivity. The EL CCD Camera is the ultimate high-performance CCD camera for electroluminescence and photoluminescence imaging for Photovoltaic (PV) Cells and Modules. This camera combines low noise electronics and optimal sensitivity in NIR.
Calibrated Solar Reference Cell
To insure repeatable testing on any solar simulator, OAI offers 2cm x 2cm calibrated reference cells. Standard reference cell calibration cycles can be set up by OAI''s calibration laboratory to insure that your reference cell maintains certification.
Flash Solar Power Meter
OAI’s Flash Solar Power Meter is a versatile measurement tool used for measuring the irradiance (in Suns) from Flash Solar Simulators. Flash Solar Simulators are commonly used in the production of solar panels. Integrated into the solar cell production line, this meter calibrates the flash solar simulator allowing for constant and repeatable irradiance output. By sampling at speeds up to 4000 Hz, the flash pulse temporal profile can be recorded in the meter’s memory and downloaded to a USB 2.0 port on a PC for further analysis.
Continuous Wave Solar Power Meter
The OAI Continuous Wave Solar Power Meter is an essential analytical tool for measuring the irradiance (in Suns) of Continuous Wave Solar Simulators. OAI’s Solar Power Meters feature unique features not found in other Solar Meters. This versatile meter can display a wide variety of cell characteristics that include: cell type, window type, cell size, and temperature measurement device type. The OAI Continuous Wave Solar Power Meter can sample and display a continuous reading or peak reading. The Power Meter connects via USB port for data collection, and includes desktop software. With this small, portable, battery-powered meter, numerous production solar simulators can be tested and compared in a short amount of time, leading to greater production line consistency and throughput.
Single Long Pulse Solar Simulator & I-V Test System
The OAI Test System for HIGH EFFICIENCY SOLAR CELLS overcomes the limitations of flash testing by providing a highly optimized pulse width and voltage sweep rate to match the cell’s dielectric response speed. As a result, the system produces extremely accurate measurements of solar cell efficiency leading to increased profitability.
Standard Class AAA Solar Simulator
Essential for testing virtually any material or product that is exposed to sunlight for long or short periods of time, OAI’s low-cost, Standard Solar Simulators deliver highly collimated, uniform light. Depending on configuration, output on these Solar Simulators is rated at 350W -5,000W.These Class AAA Solar Simulators feature OAI’s Advanced Uniform Beam Optics and are available with a choice of air mass filters to reproduce a wide range of solar spectra. For added flexibility, OAI’s proven lens and collimating mirror technology allows for a variety of exposure area sizes. A Class AAA Solar Simulator is an essential tool for manufacturing as well as R&D; it is indispensable in test labs, industry, and in universities. OAI Standard Solar Simulators are used in photobiology, biomedical, solar cell testing, cosmetic testing, and paints & coatings analysis. Based on 35+ years of proven UV light technology, OAI Solar Simulator Systems deliver repeatable, reliable, constant output, and measurement uniformity.
Solar Simulators
Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) has the promise of producing solar cells with high cell efficiencies, which result in a reduction in the cost of operating a PV module. However, a CPV system requires the integration of CPV solar cells, modules and CPV optics into one efficient system. OAI’s focus is CPV cell testing methodology. The CPV cells can now be tested using OAI’s advanced standalone CPV Simulators for low dose and high dose configurations. The low dose CPV Solar Simulator provides exposure up to 50 Suns, whereas, the high dose CPV Solar Simulator provides exposure up to 1500 Suns. The low and high dose simulators provide exposure in varying Sun concentrations in various beam sizes from 1.5cm x 1.5cm to 7.5cm x 7.5cm, and may be configured with OAI’s I-V Test Systems.
TriSOL Large Area Solar Simulators
OAI has designed and engineered for large area markets Class AAA, ABA, or ACA Solar simulators with the same performance , quality, and reliability as our other solar simulator models. These large area solar simulators are available in several models.
TriSOL Class AAA 0.25º Collimation Angle Solar Simulators
For high performance space applications, OAI offers a 0.25 Collimation Angle Solar Simulator. It is engineered with the technology built on OAI’s 47 years of experience working with light. Features include 100mmx100mm beam size, long lens housing, AM 1.5 G and AMO spectrum up to 1800 nm or any custom spectrum, and intensity controlled up to 1.25 SUNS. These solar simulators are built with OAI’s precision, quality and reliability.
Integrated I-V Test Systems
The OAI Integrated I-V Test System is perfect for R&D as well as production, the OAI Integrated I-V Test System delivers extremely accurate solar cell performance measurement. OAI’s advanced fully Integrated I-V Test System is designed to overcome the limitations of flash testing by providing a highly optimized pulse width and voltage sweep rate to match any type of solar cell’s high capacitance and slow dielectric response speed. As a result, the system produces extremely accurate measurements of solar cell I-V parameters and efficiency while leading to the most accurate test results.
Stand-alone I-V Test Systems
OAI offers a complete line of high performance I -V Testers. I -V Testers and I -V Rider software may be ordered as a stand -alone system or integrated into any OAI Solar Simulator. Three standard ranges of I -V Testers are available; ≤1A, 1 -5A, 5 -10A, and 20A. Higher current testers are available as custom options. An OAI Application Engineer will work with you to insure that the I -V Tester and I -V Rider software you choose is optimized for your specific application.
Testing for Si Solar Cells Using High Performance CCD
EL Imaging Tester
EL Imaging Tester - OAI
EL Testing for Si Solar Cells using High Performance CCD. The determination of luminescence (photo emissions) in solar cells is an important characterization tool. Typical solar cells often have defects which limit the efficiency or lifetime of a cell. Many of these defects are visualized with Luminescence Imaging. By using this technique, the manufacturing process can be optimized to produce better cells. Luminescence Imaging takes advantage of the radiative inter-band recombination of excited charge carriers in solar cells. The emitted photons can be captured with a sensitive CCD camera to obtain an image of the distribution of the radiative recombination in the cell. This distribution is determined by the local excitation level, allowing the detection of electrical losses, thus mapping the diffusion length of minority carriers as the emitted light is low intensity and in the near infra-red range, the CCD camera has a high sensitivity wavelength from 900 to 1100 nm with little thermal noise. This CCD camera provides excellent resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels with a large 1μm pixel size, multi-megahertz readout speed, and robust USB 2.0 connectivity. The EL CCD Camera is the ultimate high-performance CCD camera for electroluminescence and photoluminescence imaging for Photovoltaic (PV) Cells and Modules. This camera combines low noise electronics and optimal sensitivity in NIR.
Standard & Custom Test Fixtures
Both standard and custom Test Fixtures from OAI enable the user to integrate the solar cell with the I -V tester. Fixture configurations range from from simple hold down devices to temperature-controlled fixtures with front and back side contact. We invite you to contact an OAI Application Engineer for help with your fixture design. With our expert guidance, you can expect maximum performance from your I -V Tester and Solar Simulator.
Calibrated Solar Reference Cell
To insure repeatable testing on any solar simulator, OAI offers 2cm x 2cm calibrated reference cells. Standard reference cell calibration cycles can be set up by OAI''s calibration laboratory to insure that your reference cell maintains certification.
Flash Solar Power Meter
OAI’s Flash Solar Power Meter is a versatile measurement tool used for measuring the irradiance (in Suns) from Flash Solar Simulators. Flash Solar Simulators are commonly used in the production of solar panels. Integrated into the solar cell production line, this meter calibrates the flash solar simulator allowing for constant and repeatable irradiance output. By sampling at speeds up to 4000 Hz, the flash pulse temporal profile can be recorded in the meter’s memory and downloaded to a USB 2.0 port on a PC for further analysis.
Continuous Wave Solar Power Meter
The OAI Continuous Wave Solar Power Meter is an essential analytical tool for measuring the irradiance (in Suns) of Continuous Wave Solar Simulators. OAI’s Solar Power Meters feature unique features not found in other Solar Meters. This versatile meter can display a wide variety of cell characteristics that include: cell type, window type, cell size, and temperature measurement device type. The OAI Continuous Wave Solar Power Meter can sample and display a continuous reading or peak reading. The Power Meter connects via USB port for data collection, and includes desktop software. With this small, portable, battery-powered meter, numerous production solar simulators can be tested and compared in a short amount of time, leading to greater production line consistency and throughput.