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sense, display, measures; gas, water, electricity, particles, vibration, light or quanta.
See Also: Sensors, Measurement
PCI Strain Gauge Simulator Card, 2-Channel, 1k
These cards simulates the operation of a range of strain gauges making them ideal for testing strain gauge meters and a wide variety of industrial control systems. They provide a simple way of replacing in house developed sensors with a low cost simulator having excellent performance that is easy to calibrate and use.
FieldFox Handheld Microwave Signal Analyzer, 50 GHz
A lightweight, durable, software-enabled, microwave signal analyzer, interference analyzer, distance-tracking generator, preamplifier, power meter, and more.
Component Test Fixture For N1413 With B2980 Series
The N1428A is designed to operate specifically with the B2985B / 87B electrometer / high resistance meter. It is provided with two component modules, which are used to hold SMD, lead, and various types of devices. Electrical noise effects are reduced by the employment of a shielded case. A built-in interlock circuit enables safe high-voltage measurements. The N1413A high resistance meter fixture adapter is also required to connect the N1428A to the B2985B / 87B.
4 Digit Handheld Multimeters
U1240 Series
The Keysight U1240 Series delivers strong and solid digital multimeter (DMM) test equipment, providing the performance functionality you need to work efficiently on the bench or in the field. The IP67-certified U1240C model can withstand drops up to 10 feet (3 meters) and work longer for you with up to 400 hours of battery life.
Integrated Two Channel Variable Optical Attenuator with two Optical Power Meter Channels
The Keysight N7752A combines an attenuator with 2 front-panel power meter channels, offering exceptional performance at a low price. The power meters permit measurements from any point in the measurements setup and assist in calibrating power offsets with respect to the attenuator output.
Turbine Flow Meters
Axial turbine flow meters are designed with wear resistant internal components to provide trouble-free operation and a long service life. Fluid entering the flow meter is first conditioned by the inlet flow straightener which reduces turbulence in the fluid. The moving fluid causes the rotor to spin at a speed that is proportional to its flow rate. As the turbine blades on the rotor pass through the magnetic field of the pickup, an electronic pulse is generated.
Smart Polyglot - Wireless Probe
Signals & Systems India Private Limited
Smart Polyglot is designed to talk to meters of all protocols – PACT, ANSI, IEC. Not only does it talk over optical media, it interfaces with IR, IrDA meters as well, making it the only device that talks to any type of meter in any language.The Smart Polyglot has a wireless Bluetooth interface and enables seamless use with any DOS, Android, or Windows based devices with Bluetooth support. This Smart Polyglot Bluetooth probe can detect the commands from Bluetooth connected devices and establish a connection automatically for meter reading applications.
Common Meter Reading Instrument - CMRI 1010
CMRI 1010
Signals & Systems India Private Limited
Common Meter Reading Instrument (CMRI) is a handheld computer used to download data from electronic tri-vector meters, supporting different protocols like IEC, ANSI and PACT. CMRI is also compliant to IS-15959/ DLMS (IEC-62056) standard. CMRI can be interfaced with the portable printer for spot billing applications.SANDS CMRI-1010 comes with LCD Graphical (3.5” TFT) & 15Line x 40 Characters visibility is rugged to withstand drop on to concrete and waterproof. CMRI is available with a memory size of 512 MB.
P-Series Modular Power Meter (LXI Compliant)
The Keysight N8262A P-Series modular power meter enables LAN-based automated measurements of peak, peak-to-average ratio and average power. The N8262A enables fast, efficient, and cost-effective creation and reconfiguration of your ATE system. Owing to LXI test standardization and its interoperability with existing test assets, your system can be up and ready in no time.
P-Series Dual Channel Power Meter
30 MHz video bandwidth Single shot real time capture at 100 M sample/s per second Key Measurements: - peak, average, peak-to-average ratio, rise time, fall time and pulse width22 Predefined formats: WiMAX, DME, HSDPA, etc. One screen view for pulse measurement analysis: Auto Scale, Auto Gate, Rise/Fall Time, Duty Cycle, etc. Internal Zeroing and Calibration while connecting to the DUT Bench Vue software enabled
Dielectric Test Fixture
The 16451B is used to evaluate the dielectric constant of solid dielectric materials accurately, and complies with ASTM D150. The 16451B employs the parallel plate method, which sandwiches the material between two electrodes to form a capacitor. An LCR meter or an impedance analyzer is then used to measure the capacitance created from the fixture.
E-Series Average Power Sensor
Measure the average power of all modulation formats Wide dynamic range (-60 dBm to +20 dBm) and frequency range 10 MHz to 6 GHzHigh maximum power specification Low SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty Calibration factors linearity and temperative compensation data stored in EEPROM Fast measurement speeds (up to 400 readings per second with the Keysight E4416A)Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters
E-Series Average Power Sensor
Measure the average power of all modulation formats Wide dynamic range power measurements from -30 dBm to +44 dBm Frequency range 10 MHz to 18 GHzLow SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty Calibration factors, linearity and temperature compensation data stored in EEPROM Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters
1 Meter Long SCSI Cable with 100 Pin Connector
The Keysight U2903A is an accessory compatible and recommended to be used with the U2600A Series USB used with the U2600A USB Modular Digital I/O modules. The pin-outs of the U2903A is dependent on the USB Modular Digital I/O module that it is working with. For more information, please refer to the data sheet or the user guide of the USB Data Acquisition unit that U2903A is to be used with.
EPM-P Series Dual-Channel Power Meter
20 M sample/s per second sampling rate for reliable continuous and single shot measurements on wide bandwidth signals Time-gated and free run power measurements Free Analyzer Software software for complete pulse and statistical analysis, software is located In the Library8 pre-defined wireless configurations (GSM, EDGE, NADC, iDEN, Bluetooth, IS-95 CDMA, W-CDMA and cdma 2000)
Power Meter
The N8262A is a compact and slim LXI-compliant P-Series modular power meter. The N8262A helps you to reduce your test system size and enables LAN-based automated power measurements. Owing to LXI test standardization and its interoperability with existing test assets, your system can be up and ready in no time.
Diode Power Sensor
Excellent SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty Accurate calibration and traceability to US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) millimeter-wave sensor calibration Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters, plus the E1416A VXI and discontinued 70100A and 43X power meter Accurate average power measurements over -70 to -20 dBm Frequency range 50 MHz to 50 GHzDiode power sensing element
Precision LCR Meter 20 Hz to 300 kHz/500 kHz/1 MHz
The E4980AL precision LCR meter is an industry standard LCR meter that provides the best combination of accuracy, speed, and versatility for a wide range of component measurements. The frequency upgrades provide a solid investment option and asset utilization.
EPM Series Dual-Channel Power Meter
Frequency range of 9 kHz to 110 GHz (sensor dependent)Wide dynamic range of -70 to +44 dBm (sensor dependent)Speed improvement by 2X for E-Series sensors: up to 400 readings/secGo beyond GPIB with LAN LXI-C and USB connectivity Code-compatible with E4418B, E4419B power meters*Code-compatible with 436A, 437B and 438A power meters (option 200)Increased measurement channels: up to three channels with two additional U2000 Series power sensors connected using the optional USB hosts Automated frequency/power sweep measurements with the optional external trigger in/out feature
Handheld Capacitance Meter
Capacitance meters do not always need to be on the bench. Neither do they always need to strain your budget. Keysight's new U1701A capacitance meter now puts the capacitance meter into the palm of your hand while doing random checks across the production floor or performing checks at your inspection or sorting stations. With wide measurement range, and features to ease your sorting tasks, the U1701A puts a new level of convenience into the world of capacitance meters.
Thermistor Power Meter
Keysight N432A is the replacement for Keysight's legacy 432A analog thermistor power meter. The single-channel, average RF power meter operates with the Keysight 8478B and 478A thermistor mounts. The N432A-and-thermistor-mount pair is ideal for applications that require high measurement accuracy, particularly in metrology and calibration laboratory environments. The enhanced thermistor power meter comes with a digital color LCD display, and user-friendly front panel interface. Its built-in calibration factor table provides a more convenient and accurate method of storing calibration factors as compared to the old knob-turning approach of the 432A. The N432A is LXI compliant, and programmable via GPIB, USB and LAN.
Frequency Meter, 3.7 to 12.5 GHz
The Keysight 537A direct-reading frequency meter measures frequencies from 3.7 to 12.5 GHz quickly and accurately. Its long scale length and numerous calibration marks provide high resolution. This is particularly useful when measuring frequency differences or small frequency changes. Frequency is read directly in GHz so interpolation or charts are not required.
Optical Multiport Power Meter
Keysight's popular N7745A optical power meters with eight power-sensor channels provide increased throughput and operational efficiency to meet today's challenges in manufacturing. Designed for characterizing optical multiport components, these optical power meters offer industry-leading solutions for device connectivity, high-speed measurement data acquisition and fast data transfer for post-processing. The multiport power meter enables fast measurement solutions for all multiport devices; for example multiplexers, PON splitters, wavelength selective switches (WSS) and ROADMs, as well as compact setups for simultaneous testing of multiple single-port devices.
50 MHz to 18 GHz USB Peak and Average Power Sensor
The U2020 X-Series is supported by the Keysight BenchVue software. BenchVue makes it easy to control your power meter to log data and visualize measurements in a wide array of display options without any programming.
Liquid Test Fixture
The 16452A provides accurate dielectric constant and impedance measurements of liquid materials. The 16452A employs the parallel plate method, which sandwiches the liquid material between two electrodes to form a capacitor. An LCR meter or an impedance analyzer is then used to measure the capacitance created from the fixure.
EPM-P Series Single Channel Power Meter
The E4416A single channel EPM-P series power meter, for peak, average, peak-to-average ratio and time-gated measurements, using the E9320 peak and average power sensors.
Diode Power Sensor
Excellent SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty Accurate calibration and traceability to US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters, plus the E1416A VXI and discontinued 70100A and 43X power meter Accurate average power measurements over -70 to -20 dBm Frequency range 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz
Waveguide Power Sensor
Excellent SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty50 MHz calibration port Accurate calibration and traceability to US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) millimeter-wave sensor calibration Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters, plus the E1416A VXI and discontinued 70100A and 43X power meter Accurate average power measurements over -70 to -20 dBm Frequency range 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz Diode power sensing element
E-Series Average Power Sensor
Measure the average power of all modulation formats Wide dynamic range power measurements from -50 dBm to +30 dBm10 MHz to 6 GHz frequency coverage for Wireless Comms formatsLow SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty Calibration factors, linearity and temperature compensation data stored in EEPROM Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters
Terminal Block and SCSI-II 68 Pin Connector with 2 Meter Cable
The Keysight U2902A is an accessory compatible and recommended to be used with the U2300A Series USB Modular Multifunction Data Acquisition and U2500A Series USB Modular Simultaneous Sampling Multifunction Data Acquisition. The pin-outs of the U2902A is dependent on the USB Data acquisition unit that it is working with. For more information, please refer to the data sheet or the user guide of the USB Data Acquisition unit that U2902A is to be used with.