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to find acceptable or limits of.

See Also: Testers, Testing, Specimen

Showing results: 5776 - 5790 of 8487 items found.

  • Temperature Chambers For Thermal Tests

    FDM Environment Makers

    Before anything reaches out for market distribution, you would need to determine its exact quality and performance to that follows to the point with readings. Thermal and environment testing are some of the most positive aspects to get your materials tested for their underlying performance capacity and reliability in quality.

  • The Test Labs of Wyle Laboratories

    NTS Acquires - Wyle Laboratories, Inc.

    We are pleased to announce that NTS, the leading independent test, inspection, and certification company in the United States, has acquired the test labs of Wyle Laboratories.Wyle Laboratories three testing facilities located in Huntsville, Alabama; El Segundo, California; and San Bernardino, California have joined NTS' national network of over 25 labs. This combination will create extraordinary centers of excellence in Alabama and Southern California to serve your needs.We are enthusiastic about the investments we are making in being your natural first choice for test, inspection, and certification services and look forward to sharing the exciting things we're doing to further enhance the network of capabilities available to our customers.

  • Test Phone - Contractor TS19

    CZ20019 - Aegis Pty. Ltd.

    The CZ20019 is the basic entry level buttinski with all the basic features required for phone line testing. A high impedance monitor mode protects interruption to ADSL when monitoring the line. Fluke Networks means reliability and this is one tried and tested product. You can always rely upon this butt.

  • Stability Chambers

    ZoneOne Series - ESPEC North America, INC.

    The ZoneOne temperature/humidity chamber provides outstanding stability testing performance for manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, biologics, food, and personal care products. This chamber is easy to use, durable, and comes with the full range of features needed to support a wide range of stability test requirements.

  • Test Universe

    OMICRON electronics

    Test Universe is OMICRON's comprehensive and easy-to-use testing software for the CMC device family. It allows you to combine a wealth of application-optimized test modules for creating flexible and fully automated test plans that provide you with an enormous range of functions.

  • UV Test Chamber

    Wewon Environmental Chambers Co, Ltd.

    * UV test chamber simulates damaging effects of long term outdoor exposure of materials and coatings by exposing test samples to varying conditions of the most aggressive components of weathering – ultraviolet radiation, moisture and heat. * UV test chamber use fluorescent lamps to provide a radiation spectrum centered in the ultraviolet wavelengths. Moisture is provided by forced condensation, and temperature is controlled by heaters. Based on your testing sample’s size, We has two options uv test chambers for choice.

  • Terminal Level 2 Test Tool


    The EVAL Test Suite is a range of test libraries designed for compliance testing of EMV debit/credit payment terminal applications. It is the most complete test suite for terminal and smart card manufacturers, laboratories, banks, services providers and application software developers, thanks to its comprehensive list of qualified test libraries: EMV Contact, Entry Point Book B, MasterCard PayPass, Visa ADVT and American Express Expresspay.

  • Testing And Verifying ASCET Models With TPT

    PikeTec GmbH

    TPT can control all aspects of the test execution. Thus, TPT starts the appropriate ASCET version and loads the project and experiment necessary for testing. The test run is fully-automatic including the code generation and the compilation either directly as C-code or in an ASCET-specific test environment, that is in an ASCET experiment. Afterwards, the test results are automatically assessed based on the recorded data and presented in a report. Complex tests or test suites can be executed unattended in batch mode.

  • Test Solutions Services

    Spinnaker Contract Manufacturing, Inc.

    As standard practice, all of our SMT assemblies are washed and tested through our Automated Optical Inspection and pass through our stringent internal QA/QC policies. In Cables and Wire Harnesses, pretests, such as pull tests and crimp type tests, are performed on all builds before being tested for continuity, hi-pot, shorts and mis-wires, to name a few. Our electromechanical assemblies are capable of receiving full functional testing through custom test fixtures and RF test. Some RF tests include Gain/Loss, Frequency Response, VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio), Inter-Modulation Distortion and Output Power.

  • Squeak & Rattle Sub-System And Component Testing

    MB Dynamics Inc.

    At MB Dynamics, we’re proud to provide clients in a wide range of industries with quiet, custom turnkey component testing systems for combined squeak & rattle testing as well as durability testing of different components and subsystems (in 1 to 6 DOF). Test items can be excited in one or more axes to understand and characterize the physics and root causes of BSRs. Real-world, on-road vibration conditions are multi-axis simultaneous – vertical, fore-aft or longitudinal, lateral, roll, pitch, and yaw – 6 degrees of freedom or 6 DOF. Affordability drives decisions to find BSRs by exciting in one or two – fewer than 6 DOF. That has been a driving force for MB – be effective at finding BSRs with a lesser number of shakers (DOFs) and thus reduce the test equipment cost of finding BSRs. Vertical-only can be effective; sequential vertical then fore-aft then lateral is one step closer to real-world; creating vibration in four or five axes of response simultaneously is even closer; and full 6 DOF systems that are quiet come closest to duplicating in the lab the on-road conditions. MB offers all these possibilities to meet trade-offs of budget, test time, road replication, and BSR detection effectiveness.

  • Violett for Avnu Test Tools


    To meet the needs of members and support in-house testing needs, the UNH-IOL has developed custom software test tools and automation frameworks. The Violett® for Avnu Test Packages listed below enable our customers to be better prepared for certification testing by running in your own labs the same software UNH-IOL technicians will use to test your product for certification.

  • Testing Solutions

    MTQ Testsolutions AG

    Within the test strategy the final functional test complements the quality strategy. Therefore meaningful results of functional tests shouldn't be focused only on good/bad selection. Goal is to get correct data for statitistics and trend analysis.Under economical point of view you should consider following points as very important in test conceptions:Stability of measurementsAccuracyand the throughput

  • TestBench & Planar Biaxial Test Instruments

    TA Instruments

    TestBench configurations were designed with component testing in mind, and thanks to their modular approach, a wide array of configurations and performance capabilities are possible.  TestBench systems can be multi-channel and multi-axis, including planar biaxial testing.

  • Textile Test Equipment

    Aveno Technology CO., LTD.

    AVENO textile testing equipment including fabric tester, yarn tester, fibre tester, related abrasion tester, color fastness tester, strength tester, flammability tester, snag tester, pilling tester, and more. Mainly used to check the quality of textile products.

  • Test Sets For Motor & Generator Industries


    Test Sets For Motor & Generator Industries are designed for no-load loss as well as heat run testing. They are ideal for offering clean power with precise regulation as well as voltage control. These sets are designed when there is no need of frequency conversion. With variable-frequency drive of these sets, they are used to select any output frequency from 50 Hz to 60 Hz. in addition to this, for larger requirements, from 50-to-200 Hz, this has been used as one of the most economical testing sets.

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