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thermally insulated device to maintain between 5 K and 600 K temperatures.
See Also: Cryo, Vibrating Sample Magnetometers
Cryogen Free Variable Temperature Cryostat for EPR
We offer a variable temperature cryostat with a sample space of 40mm designed to fit between the poles of a resistive electromagnet for EPR applications. The cryostat is designed to receive standard EPR probes.
Cryostat Platforms
All of this comes together in the brand-new attoDRY LAB concept, attocube‘s state-of-the-art 21st century nano-characterization solution. These dry and fully automated variable temperature Cryostat Platforms help to save unpredictably high running costs caused by ever more expensive and less reliable liquid helium supplies.
Free Room Temperature Bore Systems
The cryomagnetic system contains the cryogen free room temperature bore superconducting magnet, cryostat, cryocooler and compressor, temperature monitor unit (nominally Lakeshore) and HTS current leads. The cooling for the magnet and cryostat housing is provided by a standard cryocooler with a base temperature of 4K. The magnet is designed to operate safely at the guaranteed field without quenching.
LHe/LN2 Cryostat System
Liquid nitrogen (LN2) or liquid helium (LHe) can be used as the cryogen depending on the required operating temperature range. This allows standard tests to be performed using relatively low cost LN2 as the cryogen. Higher cost LHe can be substituted for the duration of tests where very low temperature is required, providing an economical solution to your test requirements.
Scanning Probe Microscopy
SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
As Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a key tool for nanotechnology, SPECS offers dedicated solutions for highly demanding requirements.In UHV, strong emphasis lies on spectroscopic methods such as scanning tunneling spectroscopy and inelastic tunneling spectroscopy as well as single atom and molecule manipulation. With the invention of a Joule-Thomson cryostat by Prof. Wulf Wulfhekel, SPECS now offers the JT-STM , operating sample and sensors in thermal equilibrium below 1K with optional high magnetic field.
Cryogenic Platforms
QMC Instruments are able to build standalone dry cryogenic platforms and support equipment to suit customer needs. Our range spans everything from off the shelf 4k cryostats that we cool our TES detectors in, to bespoke sub-kelvin systems.
Liquid Helium Bath Cryostats
We offer a range of helium bath cryostats suitable for cooling cryogenic detectors and other applications where long hold time, optical access, and easy access to the cryostat cold plate are required.
Single Photon Detector System For Near-Infrared (1.3 - 1.6 Um Wavelength) Waves With Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat
Insight Product Company is proud to offer Single Photon Detector System for Near-Infrared (1.3-1.6 um wavelength) with Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat. Insight Product Co. offers superconducting single photon detectors and ultra-low noise registration systems for the near infrared range. All systems operate in continuous mode, no gating required.
Single Photon Detector System For Near-Infrared (1.6-2.3 Um Wavelength) Waves With Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat
Insight Product Company is proud to offer Single Photon Detector System for Near-Infrared (1.6-2.3 um wavelength) with Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat. Insight Product Co. offers superconducting single photon detectors and ultra-low noise registration systems for the near infrared range. All systems operate in continuous mode, no gating required.
Mini Cryogen Free Systems
Cryogenic offers cryogen free measurement systems, which include a cryocooler, cryostat with superconducting magnet (3, 5, 7 or 9 Tesla), variable temperature sample space, a selection of special probes for measurements of different physical properties, as well as electronics, computer and measurement software.
Fundamental research in physics, as well as specimen characterization in materials science often require the use of (ultra) low temperatures. Many phenomena also involve the application of high magnetic fields, usually generated by superconducting magnets. attocube provides a broad portfolio of versatile cryostats for sensitive measurements at variable temperatures and extreme conditions.
Helium Liquefiers, Purifiers and Recovery Systems
NexGen & ATL Liquefiers and Purifiers
Quantum Design's full line of liquefiers and innovative helium recovery, storage and purification systems allow you to recover and liquefy the helium gas currently being lost from the normal boil off and helium transfers of your cryogenic instruments. A perfect helium recycling solution for research and medical cryostats, Quantum Design’s helium liquefiers and recovery systems allow you to break your dependence on cryogen suppliers and no longer be subject to higher costs and undependable supply. You will also be doing your part to conserve a precious natural resource which is vital to scientific research and medical treatment.
7 Tesla Optical Cryostat
The OptiCool by Quantum Design is a new optical cryostat using an innovative design that puts the sample volume in the heart of your optical environment. A custom 3.8 inch bore, split-coil, conical magnet offers fields perpendicular to the optical table up to ±7 tesla. The highly integrated design means, even with a magnet, your sample isn’t buried inside a large cryostat, far away from the optics. Seven side optical ports and one top optical port allow for optical access to your sample from a wide array of directions.
Single Photon Detector System For Near-Infrared (0.7 - 1.3 Um Wavelength)
Insight Product Company is proud to offer Single Photon Detector System for Near-Infrared (0.7-1.3 um wavelength) with Liquid Helium (LHe) Cryostat. Insight Product Co. offers superconducting single photon detectors and ultra-low noise registration systems for the near infrared range. All systems operate in continuous mode, no gating required.
LHe and LN₂ Cryostats
We have a full line of liquid helium and liquid nitrogen-cooled cryostats. Choose from continuous flow or reservoir cryostats, with many application-specific designs available.
Cryogen-Free Cryostats
Our cryogen-free cryostats use both 10 K and 4 K cryocoolers, covering a temperature range of 1.5 K to 800 K. Choose from top- or bottom-loading designs suited for an extensive range of applications.
Recirculating Gas Coolers
Cool your continuous flow cryostat without the need for liquid cryogens.