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- Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
NEX CG II Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc
NEX CG II, a powerful second-generation energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types — from oils and liquids to solids, metals, polymers, powders, pastes, coatings, and thin films.
Chemical Downstream Plasma Source
The AX7610 is a microwave plasma source for remote plasma applications. With replaceable quartz or sapphire plasma tubes, the AX7610 downstream source offers configuration flexibility to meet the most demanding application process parameters. The quartz tube version is ideally suited for production of atomic oxygen, nitrogen or argon. The sapphire tube version is compatible with much more severe CF4 CHF3 and NF3 chemistries.
CVAF – Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence
Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) is a powerful technique based on detecting fluorescence light emitted by the sample. Below the principle of the technique is explained in a nutshell.
Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometer
LECO's Glow Discharge Spectrometer (GDS) offers you state-of-the-art technology designed specifically for routine elemental determination in most conductive ferrous and nonferrous materials. The GDS900 features improved performance, stability, accuracy, and precision in steel, iron (including as-cast), aluminum, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, tungsten, and titanium materials, while featuring our user-friendly Cornerstone® brand software to help streamline your analysis.
High-end Transmission Electron Microscope
JEOL announces the latest member in its family of high-end transmission electron microscopes, the CryoARM. This highly automated TEM is designed for unattended operation and high throughput imaging of cryo-EM specimens. The CryoARM was initially introduced to a select audience at the 2016 Gordon Research Conference in Hong Kong, M&M 2016 in Columbus, OH and EMC 2016 in Lyon, France. The CryoARM is a dedicated cryo-TEM, based on the highly successful JEOL ARM (Atomic Resolution Microscope) series, an ultrahigh performance, highly stable platform considered to be the "best-in-class" TEMs. The development of the CryoARM was accomplished in collaboration with leading Life Science researchers.
High Power Microwave Plasma Source
The High Power Microwave Plasma Source can be combined with a 6kW microwave generator for a high concentration of radicals providing a high productivity manufacturing solution. The High Power Microwave Plasma source is capable of igniting in multiple process gases, over a wide operating range with performance benefits in current and emerging applications such as, high throughput photoresist removal, advanced surface cleaning and conditioning, as well as, advanced deposition applications at the atomic level.
High-resolution Spectrometer
Our next-generation high-resolution spectrometer is a novel combination of optics and electronics that is ideal for applications such as characterizing lasers, measuring gas absorbance, and determining atomic emission lines.
The kSA Atomic Control for Epitaxy (ACE) metrology tool is a highly sensitive instrument that measures the in situ flux rate of atomic species using the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Microscope Photoluminescence Spectrometer
Flex One
Photoluminescence (PL) is the light emission from a material under the excitation by ultraviolet, visible or near infrared radiation. In semiconductor luminescent property measurements, the sample (e.g. GaN, ZnO, GaAs etc.) was usually excited by a laser (with a wavelength of 325 nm, 532 nm, 785 nm etc.), and its PL spectrum is measured to analyze the optical physical properties, such as the band gap width etc.. Photoluminescence is a high sensitivity, non-destructive analysis method, which can provide the information about the structure, composition and surrounding atomic arrangement of materials. Therefore, it is widely used in physics, materials science, chemistry and molecular biology and other related fields.
NanoLattice Pitch Standard for Mask Handling Tools (NLSM)
The NanoLattice™ (NLSM) 100 nm pitch standard utilizes gratings with near perfect periodicity to calibrate magnification and scan linearity of CD-SEM and Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM). Make the grade, with the only pitch standard of its kind available below the 130 nm node.
NanoLattice Pitch Standard (NLSM)
The NanoLattice™ (NLSM) 100 nm pitch standard utilizes gratings with near perfect periodicity to calibrate magnification and scan linearity of CD-SEM and Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM). Make the grade, with the only pitch standard of its kind available below the 130 nm node.
Nano Tribometer
NT-30 enables user to study interactions at atomic level. Easy to interchange modules with advanced high precision mechanical design allows it to unfold new hidden mysteries in nanotechnology.
NeaSNOM Microscope
Based on high-stability scanning-sample Atomic Force Microscope optimized for optical nanoscopyOptical focusing unit accepts visible, infrared and even terahertz illuminationTwo independent module bays allow imaging & spectroscopy at the same time
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
NMR is an abbreviation for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. An NMR instrument allows the molecular structure of a material to be analyzed by observing and measuring the interaction of nuclear spins when placed in a powerful magnetic field.For the analysis of molecular structure at the atomic level, electron microscopes and X-ray diffraction instruments can also be used, but the advantages of NMR are that sample measurements are non-destructive and there is less sample preparation required.Fields of application include bio, foods, and chemistry, as well as new fields such as battery films and organic EL, which are improving and developing at remarkable speed. NMR has become an indispensable analysis tool in cutting-edge science and technology fields.
Ozone Gas Generators
SEMOZON® Ozone gas generators and subsystems are the industry standard for compact, high concentration, ultra-clean ozone gas generation. Applications include Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), Atomic Layer Etch (ALE), Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and Wet Cleaning.
R*evolution® Remote Plasma Source
The innovative R*evolution® Remote Plasma Source combines field-proven, low-field toroidal plasma technology with an actively cooled plasma chamber made of high purity quartz, significantly reducing oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen atomic gas loss through wall recombination. Self-contained and compact, R*evolution delivers up to 10 slm of oxygen radicals from a 6kW power supply with true power accuracy of <1% resulting in a high density, extremely clean radical source for photoresist strip and an optimal clean rate greater than 12 microns/min-1. R*evolution can be used for other surface preparation applications.
Rubidium Atomic Audio Clock
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
Perfection is a high standard - but your studio clocks deserve nothing less. That''s why we designed the PERF10, to offer audio professionals and demanding audiophiles a frequency reference of staggering accuracy and unmatched stability.
Rubidium Oscillator
The IQRB-2 low noise rubidium oscillator is a sub-miniature atomic oscillator combined with 'active noise filter' technology. This rubidium oscillator has 100 times less drift than OCXOs and with short term stability of 0.002ppb/s at 100s this rubidium oscillator provides significant improvements in performance over other rubidium components.
Surface Analysis
Dimension FastScan Bio
The Dimension FastScan Bio Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) breaks longstanding barriers to provide routine high-resolution research of biological dynamics, with temporal resolution up to 3 frames per second for live sample observations. Furthermore, it does this while making the AFM easier to use than ever before.
Surface Analysis
Dimension AFP
The Dimension AFP is the world's only fab-based metrology tool specifically designed for both CMP profiling and etch depth metrology for current and advanced technology nodes. The system combines the superb resolution of an AFM with the long-scan capability of an atomic force profiler tomonitor etch depth and dishing and erosion on submicron features with unsurpassed repeatability.
The Level AFM For Educational Purposes
„Eddy“ is an Atomic Force Microscopy system for student's education. It bases on the approved Level AFM setup and includes a full sample set and a large cantilever set.
Transmission Electron Microscope
Atomic Resolution Electron Microscope offering a maximum accelerating voltage of 300 kV, and equipped with JEOL’s own Cs Correctors. This instrument guarantees an unprecedented STEM-HAADF image resolution of 63 pm.
Ultra-Low Frequency Workstation
MK52 Series
Providing Ultra-Low Frequency levels, the MK52 Series offers the ultimate low natural frequency performance for a wide range of high resolution instruments, such as analytical balances, cell injection, confocal microscopes, patch clamping, optical microscopes, wafer probing, sensor calibration, atomic force microscopes and other sensitive equipment requiring high isolation efficiency.
XPS/ESCA Service
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS Analysis), also known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), is used to determine quantitative atomic composition and chemistry. It is a surface analysis technique with a sampling volume that extends from the surface to a depth of approximately 50-70 Angstroms. Alternatively, XPS analysis can be utilized for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) or Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) from Evans Analytical Group (EAG).sputter depth profiling to characterize thin films by quantifying matrix-level elements as a function of depth.
Optical Emission Spectrometers
Optical emission spectrometers (OES) and the measuring principle of the atomic emission are the ideal method and provide the perfect instrumentation for metal analysis in all different industrial businesses and environments.
Optical Emission Spectrometers
Optical emission spectrometers (OES) and the measuring principle of the atomic emission are the ideal method and provide the perfect instrumentation for metal analysis in all different industrial businesses and environments.
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
The CombiScope Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is an advanced research instrument that provides the entry path for researchers in biology, spectroscopy and photonics. If you work with transparent samples either in air or in liquid towards nano-scale structures and (near-field) nano-optical properties investigation, the CombiScope is the right solution for you. It perfectly combines inverted optical and atomic force microscopies and unleash all the power of both techniques providing the instrument adjustment and measurement automation, high resolution and high speed. Plus it can be easily upgraded to our Raman spectrometers.
AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Optical Platform
The AFM platform allows fully-integrated use of confocal Raman microscopy and AFM for Tip-Enhanced Optical Spectroscopies (such as Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) and Tip-Enhanced PhotoLuminescence (TEPL)), but also for truly co-localized AFM-Raman measurements.The myriad of AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) techniques that allow study of topographical, electrical and mechanical properties can be performed with any laser source available in Raman spectrometer, or with other external illumination (e.g., solar simulator or other tunable or continuum source). TERS and TEPL can provide nanoscale chemical and structural information, making the AFM-Raman platform a two-way road; where complimentary techniques provide novel and unique imaging capabilities to each other.
Atomic Force Microscope
The Nanosurf LensAFM is an atomic force microscope that continues where optical microscopes and profilometers reach their resolution limits. It is mounted like a normal objective lens, thus extending the resolution and measuring capabilities of these instruments.
Atomic Force Microscope
The DriveAFM is Nanosurf’s novel flagship AFM platform: a tip-scanning atomic force microscope (AFM) that combines, for the first time, several capabilities in one instrument to enable novel measurements in materials and life sciences.