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Cloud Platform
Wind River® Studio Cloud Platform is an open source, production-grade distributed Kubernetes solution for managing edge cloud infrastructure. Based on the OpenStack StarlingX project, the cloud platform in Studio represents a compilation of best-in-class open source technology that delivers the features needed to effectively deploy and manage distributed networks.
Wind River Studio Conductor enables industry-unique, distributed, and edge-aware automation to ease infrastructure management, application deployment, and public cloud integration. With every element needed for service provider infrastructure, Conductor is continuously integrated, tested, and delivered as a complete solution for digital telco transformation.
Helix Virtualization Platform
Wind River® Helix™ Virtualization Platform consolidates multi-OS and mixed-criticality applications onto a single edge compute software platform, simplifying, securing, and future-proofing critical infrastructure solutions in the aerospace, defense, industrial, medical, and automotive markets.
Logger version chlorophyll and turbidity sensor with wiper
Infinity-CLW is an autonomously deployable data logger for long-term chlorophyll and turbidity measurements. The light sources (LEDs) of chlorophyll and turbidity sensors are highly stable, Minimizing the change over time. The instrument has a mechanical wiper that periodically sweeps to inhibit biological growth on the optical window. The turbidity sensor has a good correlation with SS (Suspended Solid) over the range. Infinity-CLW provides Highly accurate and long-term stable chlorophyll and turbidity data in oceans, rivers and freshwater.
Multi-Cell Doppler Current Profiler
The Argonaut-XR offers exceptional value for near shore deployments in less than 40 m of water. Designed specifically for mounting on the bottom of a river, channel, or harbor, the XR features a special mode that automatically adjusts one of its measurement cells for changing water level.
Ocean and River Instruments
Rinko III is an analog version with the fast optical DO sensor and a temperature sensor. With an external 12 DCV power, the instrument seamlessly outputs the analog data (0 to 5V) of the sensors. Rinko III can be easily integrated on various platforms with an Impulse cable. By the fast response, the instrument provides high accurate DO data without restricting profile speeds.
Ocean and River Instruments
The RINKO FT not only retains the fast response time identical to that of conventional RINKO series but also has greater accuracy and stability by incorporating high-quality multipoint calibration and improved sensing method. This instrument is primarily designed to target Argo float operations,however, its compact, lightweight, and commonly used communication protocol widen the choice of platforms for installation. The RINKO FT allows DO measurements with a high vertical resolution, which will contribute to the understanding new aspects of physical/biochemical processes.
Real-Time OS Services
Advantech provides a series of real-time OS services for Advantech platforms, including Wind River VxWorks, Linux and Android Solutions.
Tinytag Aquatic 2 Internal Temperature-40 to +70C
Designed with long-term immersion in mind, this unit is waterproof to a depth of 500m, making it ideal for environmental monitoring in rivers and oceans.The high visibility yellow case has an attachment point that can be used to secure the logger in position.The lid can be removed to enable user-replacement of the battery.
Wind River Linux
For more than 15 years Wind River Linux has been the industry’s most advanced embedded Linux platform, with a comprehensive suite of products, tools, and lifecycle services to build and support intelligent edge solutions.
A distributed edge cloud could be deployed on tens — or tens of thousands — of edge nodes. The geo-distributed design with numerous end points makes monitoring and managing such a cloud challenging. Wind River® Studio Analytics is the tool to make the job easier.
Architecture T2080 Processor
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Our VME-196 combines the performance and the advanced I/O capabilities of the NXP quad-core AltiVec enabled T2080 processor. The VME-196 is supported by Curtiss-Wright’s U-Boot, Green Hills INTEGRITY, Lynx Software Technologies LynxOS, Yocto NXP SDK-based Linux and Wind River VxWorks 6.9 and 7 Board Support Packages (BSPs) and driver suite.
Ocean and River Instruments
Rinko W is an autonomously deployable data logger for long-term DO measurements. In order to protect the sensing foil against accumulating bio-fouling, the instrument has a mechanical wiper to sweep the optical window. The optical sensor does not have a membrane neither electrolytes, thus, it need less maintenance than electrode or galvanic sensors.
RiverRay ADCP
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
Go straight to work collecting highly accurate stream and river discharge data with the RiverRay Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP).
RiverPro ADCP
Teledyne Marine RD Instruments
The 1200 kHz RiverPro has been purpose-built to fill two specific needs:To provide an ADCP designed specifically for shallow river applications (20 cm to 25 m range)To provide an upgrade path for our current industry gold-standard Rio Grande ADCP users (more info to follow on this upgrade.)
Flood Modeling for River, Surface Water, and Urban Drainage Systems
Digital OneWater Flood Modeller
Flood Modeller, a Digital OneWater solution, is an industry-leading software platform which enables engineers and scientists to deliver faster and more accurate results by simplifying the modeling of river, surface water, and urban drainage systems. It enables you to confidently understand flood risk and develop optimal solutions to manage the impacts of climate change.
Portable, Remotely-Operated Boat for ADCP Measurements
Teledyne Oceanscience Q-Boats® are the number one choice for reliable remotely-controlled acoustic Doppler current profiling in streams, rivers, lakes and coastal waters all over the world. Whether you need to reduce your survey time, keep people safe during difficult conditions, or access hard to reach locations, there is a Q-Boat to suit your survey and your budget.
Single Beam Echosounder, Hydrographic Survey Boat
Z-Boat 1250
Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boats® are the number one choice for reliable, remotely controlled, hydrographic surveying in streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal waters around the world.Whether you need to reduce survey time, keep people safe during hazardous conditions, or access hard to reach locations, there is a Z-Boat to suit your survey and your budget. The Z-Boat 1250 is easy to operate. The integrated echosounder has an embedded transceiver with digital signal processing and outputs depth & temperature using NMEA 0183 data output.
Board Support Packages
Wind River® BSPs are software kits that make it quick and easy to use our operating systems with nearly any type of hardware device.
With Wind River® Simics® you can simulate anything, chip to system, giving you a path to DevOps and Continuous Integration and Deployment.
Standard Type
This device supports the measurement of rivers, Agricultural water, Sewage systems, Other channels and facilities.
Sub-bottom Profiling
The EdgeTech Sub-bottom Profiling System is a wideband Frequency Modulated (FM) sub-bottom profiler utilizing EdgeTech’s proprietary Full Spectrum CHIRP technology. The systems generate high-resolution images of the sub-bottom stratigraphy in oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Non Contact River Monitoring System
The RiverSonde® is an affordable, non-contact monitoring system providing continuous surface cross-channel velocity profiles for streams, channels, and rivers. Data output from this system can be used as an index velocity in conjunction with other data sets or as model input for calculation of total water discharge (Q). It is also ideal for monitoring river movement during flood events and in disaster planning.
Software Platform for Control Systems
Titanium Control
Wind River introduces software platform that enables critical infrastructure companies to cost-effectively evolve aging legacy control systems not previously designed to support IoT. Based on open standards, Wind River Titanium Control on-premise cloud-scale infrastructure virtualizes traditional physical subsystems enabling control systems. With addition of platform to product portfolio, company drives new industrial era through virtualization, real-time performance and edge-to-cloud connectivity.
Oil In Cooling Water Monitor
The ability to detect oil in water is important for many industrial processes involving cooling water or heat exchangers. For example, electric generating stations often use natural sources of water such as lakes and rivers to cool generator lube oil systems. The lube oil is cooled in a heat exchanger where the lube oil and cooling water are in isolated streams.
High-Function Type
This device supports the measurement of rivers, Agricultural water, Sewage systems, Other channels and facilities.
Full System Simulator
Wind River Simics is a full system simulator used by software developers to simulate any target hardware from a single processor to large, complex, and connected electronic systems. This simulation enables the target software (board support package, firmware, real-time operating system, middleware, and application) to run on a virtual platform the same way it does on the physical hardware.
Nutrient | Oxygen | PH Sensors: Nutrient Sensors
Sea-Bird Scientific’s line of nutrient sensors deliver high-resolution, continuous nutrient measurements that provide unique insights into the coupling of hydrological, geochemical, and biological processes. From lakes and rivers to deep oceans, continuous monitoring of nutrients is increasingly being used to understand ecosystem dynamics at time scales that capture daily processes, trends and events.
Farm House
This is a 1900’s fully remodeled farmhouse situated on a 90 acre, working regenerative farm. While you are here you can enjoy eating from the garden, bonfires and most importantly the serenity of the country! This home is just minutes from wineries, breweries, hiking, river access, multiple caverns to tour and ski resorts.
IoT Gateway
ADLINK embedded IoT gateway platforms fully support Intel® Gateway Solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) by integrating Wind River Intelligent Device Platform* (IDP) XT and McAfee* Embedded Control to provide a complete, pre-validated communication and security solution. But also includes ADLINK’s SEMA utility, which enables quick setup of remote data access and analysis through ADLINK's SEMA Cloud.