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Insight Product Company offers Microwave Silicon Limiter PIN Diodes with p+-i-n+ structures are designed to be used in microwave protective  devices included in hybrid integrated circuit (HIC) hermetically sealed, design of which provides protection against  moisture, salt, fog, mycelial fungus, hoarfrost, dew, decreased and increased pressure.
Fungus Test
The fungus test assesses the extent to which material will support fungal growth and how any fungal growth may affect performance. The fungus test also identifies how rapidly fungus will grow on the material, and how fungus affects the material, its mission, and its safety for use following the growth of fungus on the material.
Fungus Resistance Testing
End-to-end testing helping you ensure your product's performance and resilience against fungal growth and fungus-susceptible field environments.
Fumonisin Testing Solutions
Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced by the fungus Fusarium moniliforme. F. moniliforme is a frequent, almost universal, inhabitant of corn. Fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 are present in most corn samples tested, often totaling greater than 1 ppm. Fumonisin is thought to cause equine leukoencephalomalacia in horses, swine pulmonary edema, and human esophageal cancer. The FDA/USDA Working Group on Fumonisin advises less than 4 ppm for products for human consumption, less than 5 mg/kg in horse feed, less than 10 mg/kg for swine feed, and less than 50 mg/kg for cattle feed.
Zearalenone Testing Solutions
Zearalenone is an estrogenic mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. Zearalenone induces feminization in animals at concentrations in feed of about 1 ppm. Higher concentrations (50-100 ppm) can interfere with conception, ovulation, implantation, fetal development, and the viability of newborn animals.
Ochratoxin Testing Solutions
Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin produced by the fungus Aspergillus ochraceous and also by several species of Penicillium fungi. Ochratoxin has been known to cause kidney damage and decreased egg production in chickens. It is an immunosuppressant and is considered a potential carcinogen.
Fungus Testing
Fungus can cause products to malfunction during operation and can grow on just about anything if the conditions are right. It will break down certain plastics, rubbers, paints and gaskets if it attaches itself and is left to grow. Fungus is known to short out electronic circuits.