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Testing Aircraft Tachometers
The test bench is comprised of a TMB 304 Torque Transducer and a custom fixture for the tachometer and corresponding inertia wheel. A servo motor is incorporated to provide speed to the tachometer. The entire drive train is conveniently mounted on a base plate with the appropriate couplings, bearing support and flywheel.
Dynamic UPS
The RBT system consists of a standard synchronous generator with no special windings and a simple steel flywheel. The low speed shaft extends bearing life and reduces maintenance. The ROTABLOC® machine is very robust as critical functions do not use fragile components such as power electronics, power capacitors, electro-chemical batteries, active magnetic bearings, electro-mechanical or mechanical friction clutches.
Time Synchronization Card
IXI Technology’s highly-accurate card provides time down to 62.5ns resolution in UNIX format. Its time-sourced, disciplined, voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) or optional CSAC not only allows it to provide sub-second resolution, but also to “flywheel” during the absence or loss of carrier. The module has a status LED that indicates when the internal time is synchronized with the input time code. The card provides a programmable offset on its internal time from the input time source. The generated IRIG-B or 1588 output can be configured to be synchronous to the chosen input time source or configured to use the best available time source.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-500-SE XL
The 500 series dynamometer has a larger big brother – the MD-500-SE XL! The 500-SE is an excellent 2WD performance dynamometer and the XL model expands on these traits by adding in a much wider 98-inch outer track and a HUGE mechanical flywheel to increase the mechanical inertia of the dyno to about 2,000-lbs. This additional inertia helps reduce the duty cycle burden on the eddy current PAU and even allows for pulls to be done in a pinch in inertia-only mode. The XL handles vehicles like diesels and Ford Raptors where the 500 is a bit too narrow for these types of applications. The MD-500 XL’s multiple upgrade paths allows for an AWD upgrade in the future and enables it to accept a second eddy current PAU for increased loading capability. We’ve seen this dyno handle almost 2,000-hp to the wheels on power sweeps so don’t be fooled by the 1,500-hp peak measurement specification. If your tires will hook you can measure as much power as you are laying to the rollers. The large K250 eddy current PAU has plenty of torque for testing and tuning anything from your local diesel pickup crowd and local LS guys to classic carb stuff and front wheel drive cars. The 500-XL is great product at a great price with tons of range. It is also easy to install – buy the aboveground kit with the 16-ft ramps and have this dyno set up and ready to roll in your shop in a half a day! if you want to know more call us! We are always happy to answer questions.