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See Also: Long-Wave IR, Lightwave, Shear Wave, Sub-mm Wave, Microwave, Wavelet, Continuous Wave, Submillimeter Wave, Sine Wave, Millimeter Wave, Shock wave, Ocean, Quantum, Gravity, Particle, Seismic
Hydraulic Vertical Shock Test System
KRD10 series
KRD10 series full-automatic hydraulic shock test system is used to measure and determine the impact resistance of products or packaging, and to evaluate the reliability and structural integrity of products in a shock environment. The system can perform conventional half-sine wave, post-peak sawtooth wave, trapezoid wave and other waveform shock tests to achieve the shock wave and impact energy that the product is subjected to in the actual environment, thereby improving the product or packaging structure.
Pneumatic Vertical Shock Test System
KRD11 series
KRD11 series pneumatic vertical shock test system is featured with advanced design, high degree of automation and reliability, simple operation and convenient maintenance. The system meets the requirements of both shock and bump test, can perform conventional half-sine wave, post-peak sawtooth wave, trapezoid wave and other waveform shock tests.
FMCW radar sensors - how they work
What are FMCW radar sensors? And how do they work? The vast majority of radar sensors for distance measurement or collision avoidance are based on the FMCW radar (Frequency-Modulated Continous Wave Radar). OndoSense relies on the latest FMCW radar technology and innovative FMCW radar algorithms.
FMCW Radarsensoren - wie sie funktionieren
Was sind FMCW-Radarsensoren? Und wie funktionieren sie? Die große Mehrzahl der Radarsensoren zur Distanzmessung oder Kollisionsvermeidung basieren auf dem FMCW-Radar (Frequency-Modulated Continous Wave Radar). Dieser wird auch frequenzmodulierter Dauerstrichradar genannt. OndoSense setzt auf neueste FMCW-Radartechnologie und innovative FMCW-Radaralgorithmen.
Single 32 to 1, 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Octal 4 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-761A-008 terminated octal 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 4 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This dual 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 4 to 1 Terminated 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This terminated dual 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 8 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This dual 8 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 16 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This dual 16 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Quad 4 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-761A-004 terminated quad 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Quad 4 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Single 32 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The terminated single 32 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Single 8 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-763A-001 terminated single 8 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 4 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-761A-002 terminated dual 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 16 to 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-765A-002 terminated dual 16 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Octal 4 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This octal 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Quad 8 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-763A-004 terminated quad 8 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Single 32 to 1 Terminated 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 16 to 1 Terminated 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This terminated dual 16 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
RF / Microwave / mmW Components
CAES maintains a broad portfolio of commercial and military grade RF, Microwave and Millimeter wave components that remain at the forefront of military and aerospace systems. Products are available as standard catalog offerings, and many can be uniquely customized to meet your exact performance specifications.
High Power Front-End Protection
CAES offers industry-leading high power, front end protection solutions for your RF, microwave and millimeter wave design needs.
Tuned half-wave dipoles have been among the most important antennas from the beginning of rf-technique. The characteristics of half-wave dipoles have been calculable very early using the Maxwell and Hertz equations. Therefore the half wave dipole became a reference antenna.
Is a specialized transducer that converts electric current into electromagnetic (EM) waves or vice versa.
RF Frequency Multipliers
Frequency multipliers are devices that produce an output signal where the frequency is a multiple of the input signal. The multiple can be 2x (i.e. a Frequency doubler), 3x, 4x and so on.Precision MMW will help you with the highest quality rf frequency multiplier products needs. We are a millimeter wave spectrum manufacturer of various active and passive mmWave products and sub-system engineering.View more RF Frequency Multiplier
Dual 8 To 1 Terminated 50Ω 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
The 40-763A-002 terminated dual 8 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Dual 8 to 1 Terminated 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This terminated dual 8 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Single 8 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Single 16 to 1 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.
Single 8 to 1 Terminated 50 600MHz PXI RF Multiplexer
This 4 to 1 multiplexer is part of a range of RF multiplexers available in the following configurations: dual, quad and octal 4 to 1, single, dual and quad 8 to 1, single and dual 16 to 1 and single 32 to 1. All multiplexers have the option of automatic terminations which offer advantages at system level by reducing the presence of standing waves in the system which can cause degradation in isolation and crosstalk.