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See Also: Long-Wave IR, Lightwave, Shear Wave, Sub-mm Wave, Microwave, Wavelet, Continuous Wave, Submillimeter Wave, Sine Wave, Millimeter Wave, Shock wave, Ocean, Quantum, Gravity, Particle, Seismic
Wave Profiler
The Wave Profiler allows the user to measure non-directional wave parameters continuously for long periods of time with high temporal and spatial resolution in deeper water from the safety of an underwater mooring. The instrument is particularly useful for clients who need to measure long-period waves (such as rogue waves or infra-gravity waves), waves in wash and in wakes, and non-linear waves.
Laboratory EM current meter / water level and wave height meter
ACM2-RS and ACM3-RS are 2-D and 3-D electro-magnetic current meters for laboratory experiments. The models provide digital output, a high-speed sampling rate and insusceptibility to electro-magnetic noise. ACH-600RS is a highly sensitive capacitance water level meters. With the new system, a maximum of four different sensors can be connected to the compact interface unit, enabling simultaneous recording on a personal computer. Additionally, the system can provide analog output as well as necessary. While conventional water level and wave height meters cannot be used near velocity sensors, our instrument can be as near as 5 cm without increasing noise, due to its special isolated circuit. The result is an innovative system that is capable of achieving highly accurate data.
Gated Short Wave Infrared Camera System
The LIVAR M506 Gated SWIR Camera System is ideal for covert operations and target identification, supporting lasers from 1.0 1.6 m. Cost-effective, compact and lightweight, this range-gated, two-dimensional imaging camera operates in the eye-safe Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) band, provides day and night coverage, and supports mounted and dismounted operations. The camera system includes the camera, High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS) and Thermoelectric Cooler Controller (TECC). An optional high-PRF version is available that allows the use of low-power, high-PRF diode lasers with the camera in accumulation mode.
Microwave Devices
Photonis Defense and its predecessors have been designing and manufacturing Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs) since their invention in the early 1940’s. Photonis manufactures helix-type tubes that are constructed using the industry standard metal-ceramic construction. Our tubes are conduction cooled and feature rare earth periodic permanent magnets for power-free focusing.
EHC-09 Ultrasonic Corrosion Thickness Gage - Color
Danatronics offers our EHC-09 Color Wave series as the top of the line gages for corrosion applications. The EHC-09 Color Wave offers many standard and practical features including a sunlight readable color display with live A-Scan, echo to echo to ignore coatings, B-Scan, 100K thickness reading datalogger with interface to Microsoft excel. The Color Wave is available in 4 models including the EHC-09C, EHC-09DLC, EHC-09CW and EHC-09DLCW. The vibrate on alarm is a world’s first and is great for loud environments!
Millimeter Wave Control Devices
Ducommun millimeter wave products include various control devices for system integration. The CAE, CPS, CPD and CPM series control devices are discrete or MMIC based PIN diode attenuators and switches. The CAF, CAL, CAR and CPL series control devices are waveguide based mechanical tunable attenuators and phase shifters. These devices are offered to cover the frequency range from 18 GHz to 110 GHz.
Millimeter Wave Amplifiers
Ducommun offers Low Noise (ALN), High Power (AHP), Full Waveguide Band (AFB) and General Purpose (AGP) amplifiers to cover the frequency range from 18 to 96 GHz. These amplifiers utilize thin-film and microelectronics manufacturing techniques and are discrete and/or MMIC PHEMT devices based. These amplifiers feature low noise, high output power, single DC power supply and wide operation temperature range. The amplifiers are offered in two categories, standard and custom-built. Both standard and custom-built amplifiers are equipped with various RF interface, including standard waveguide or coaxial connector for convenient system integration. The optional input and output integrated isolators are available as an option to further improve the port return loss.
Millimeter Wave Antennas
Ducommun millimeter wave products include ACH, ARH and ALC series circular, rectangular gain horn antennas and lens corrected horn antennas for system applications. Low side lobes, ridged configuration and low cost are the main features of these antennas. The standard gain value and half power beamwidth at mid-frequency point of each waveguide band are 23 dBi and 9 degrees, respectively. Other gain values are available as customer order. These antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz.
RF Products
Ducommun is a leading global supplier of RF Products for Commercial Aerospace, Military & Space markets. We partner with top-tier OEMs and primes because of our unique, comprehensive understanding of electro-mechanical and RF principles. Whether you need a standard, off-the-shelf or in-stock coaxial switch, or a highly customized millimeter wave product, Ducommun offers a range of products and solutions to meet your program and design requirements.
Software-testing Monthly Magazine
Tea-time with Testers
Tea-time with Testers, is the largest-circulated software testing monthly in the world. As the wave of change sweeps business, testing field and community of testers like never before, Tea-time with Testers has ensured that its readers have all the necessary upgrades to challenge tomorrow. It takes its readers deeper to give a complete understanding of the world of software testing.
Signal Generator
Digital Signal Technology, Inc.
Electronic devices that generates electrical signals with set properties of amplitude, frequency, and wave shape.
Wave and Tide Sensor
Aanderaa Wave and Tide Sensors are compact fully integrated sensor for measuring the wave and tide conditions designed to be mounted on the Aanderaa multiparameter SeaGuard Platform or via cable connected to SmartGuard datalogger.
Profiling Current Meter and Wave
SeaGuardII DCP Wave
The SeaGuardII DCP Wave is a 600kHz Doppler Current Profiler able to measure directional wave parameters and currents from a bottom mounted installation.The Acoustic Wave software 5759 used by the DCPS implements unique features to improve the wave measurement accuracy by optimizing the signal to noise ratio.Maximum deployment depth is 40m in normal scatter conditions. The Profiling Current Meter and Waveis available as a self-recording instrument. It can be easily integrated into a real-time system offering reliable two-way communication.
Wave Buoy
The MOTUS (movement in Latin) Wave Buoy is a perfect solution for collecting environmental data in coastal areas.Collect reliable environmental data with MOTUS Wave Data Buoy.The MOTUS (movement in Latin) Buoy is a perfect solution for collecting environmental data in coastal areas for all-year deployments. The platform used for collecting data is a robust buoy which has proven to be an excellent platform for providing high accuracy and reliable meteorological and oceanographic data. The wave buoy can effectively combine various Hydrological and Meteorological parameters. Basic parameters such as wind, waves, and currents can easily be expanded to include sensor packages with different water quality sensors. Data is controlled and synchronized by the data management systems that Xylem Analytics offers, which also controls and powers real-time communication. This provides a low-power efficient system offering long-term deployment capabilities.The MOTUS Wave Buoys combine our ultra-low power and field-proven solutions from developing oceanographic and water quality sensors. We have 60 years of experience operating in the industry, providing you with an optimal platform based on the buoy, a rugged, lightweight polyethylene buoy deployed in more than 40 countries all over the world. By selecting Xylem as your partner in your projects, you are on track for the lowest overall cost of ownership and a versatile platform that can be tailored to your needs. The MOTUS Buoy is developed for both scientific and commercial use.
MOTUS Stand-Alone Sensor
There are numerous ways of measuring Ocean Waves. At Aanderaa, we focus on three measurement types: pressure, acoustic, and motion. In this section, we cover the motion-based sensors in the MOTUS family.MOTUS Directional Wave Sensor is suitable for integration on different buoy types. It is intended for commercial as well as research use. The directional stand-alone Sensor processes wave data and is configurable to directly present parameters and wave spectrum. The sensor can be connected to a SmartGuard using the CANbus-based AiCaP protocol. It can also be connected to a PC or third-party systems through the RS-232 interface.MOTUS Wave Height Sensor is for wave height only. As the MOTUS Directional Sensor, it is suitable for integration on different buoy types. In the sensor, the directional wave parameters are locked. It is possible to open the wave direction parameters with a software license from Aanderaa later if the need changes. MOTUS Lite OEM Sensor is the OEM version of the MOTUS Directional Wave sensor. It is delivered as an electronic board without housing and cables. Please get in touch with the factory for more options and restrictions.
Stand-Alone Doppler Current Sensor
The Doppler Current Profiler Sensor (DCPS) is a medium-range, 600kHz current profiler smart sensor. It offers high-quality ocean current measurements and is ideally suited for cabling directly to various systems or dataloggers via serial or AiCap bus. With its integrated compensation for tilting and movement, the sensor is commonly used to measure current from buoys and other moving platforms.The 5400/5400R version of the current sensor is 300m depth rated, the 5402/5402R version is 4500m depth rated, and the 5403/5403R version is 6000m depth rated and intended for commercial as well as research use. It comes with an integrated temperature sensor that can be calibrated on request.As an extension to the DCPS, we now offer the current profiler with an integrated pressure unit called the 5400P. This version enables acoustic wave measurements in addition to profiling currents. Ideal for small observatories, the DCPS sensor is the market's lowest-cost current and wave sensor.
Pressure Based Waves
Measure pressure based Waves with the Aanderaa Wave Sensors- compact fully integrated sensors for measuring wave and tide conditionsThe 5218 wave sensor is designed to be mounted on the Aanderaa SeaGuard top-end plate or connected to SmartGuard using AiCaP CANbus or in other measurement systems using the RS-232 interface.The 5218R wave sensor sensor is designed for use with long cables by means of RS-422 full duplex interface.Both wave sensors are based on a silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor. The pressure measurements are sampled and temperature compensated by an advanced Digital Signal Processor.The wave sensor application areas are in fixed installations, either deployed in a seabed installation in shallow waters, or mounted onto a fixed structure in the upper water column.
Motion Based Waves
Accurate Motion Based wave measurements are critical in applications such as offshore wind farm development, navigation, cable laying, breakwater building, and bridge construction.Waves also result in continuous loads on marine structures, including docks, moorings, and offshore platforms.Motion Based Waves are challenging to measure. Variables to consider when collecting wave data include the depth of the measuring device, proximity to shore, wave types, and available infrastructure from which to measure.Several methods for measuring motion based waves are available, and careful selection of the best approach is needed to get the optimal result.
Millimeter Wave Products
Reliable Millimeter-Wave High-Power Products for Airborne, Maritime and Ground Mobile Deployment
A specialized transducer that converts electric current into electromagnetic (EM) waves or vice versa.
BAW Devices
Teledyne RF & Microwave has been producing Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) delay devices since the early 1960’s. Over the years,Teledyne has constantly improved BAW technology and is currently the world’s only supplier of microwave bulk acoustic wave delay devices. Markets for BAW devices include instrumentation and radar altimeters and are available in connectorized, pin and surface mount configurations.BAW devices operate as low as 300 MHz and as high as 17 GHz, usually in sub-bands of around 10%. Depending on the delay and frequency of operation the insertion loss is in the range 30 dB to 90 dB.
Paddle Wheel Flow Sensor
Chuan Sheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
FSP - Paddle Wheel Flow Sensor, Using SUS and corrosion-resistant materials and design oxidation resistance, good stability and high resolution built-magnet rotor, NPN pulse square wave can be connected directly to the PLC / IPC IPC, the product is easy to maintain, easy to operate.
VDI Erickson PM5B MM–Wave Power Meter with W-Band Sensor, Optional Tapers to 1.5 THz
N1913PM5B is a Virginia Diodes, Inc./Erickson PM5B calorimetric mm-wave power meter, with a W-Band sensor for power measurement over a frequency range of 75-110 GHz.
2-26.5 GHz Traveling Wave Amplifier
The 1GG7-8045 is a broadband GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier designed for high output power and moderate gain over the full 2 to 26.5 GHz frequency range. Seven MESFET cascode stages provide a flat gain response, making the 1GG7-8045 an ideal wideband power block. Ebeam lithography is used to produce gate lengths of ~0.3 mm. The 1GG7-8045 incorporates advanced MBE technology, TiPtAu gate metallization, silicon nitride passivation, and polyimide for scratch protection.
2-26.5 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier
The HMMC-5026 is a broadband GaAs MMIC traveling wave amplifier designed for moderate gain and moderate output power over the full 2-26 GHz frequency range. Typical applications of the HMMC-5026 include wideband gain blocks of communication systems and microwave instrumentation, which require a flat gains response and excellent port matches over the 2-26 GHz frequency range.
Millimeter Wave Zero Bias GaAs Schottky Diode
The HSCH-9161 is suitable for medium-low barrier, zero bias detector applications. The HSCH-9161 is functional through W-band (110 GHz) and can be mounted in microstrip, finline, and coplanar circuits.
2-22 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier
The HMMC-5022 is a broadband GaAs MMIC traveling wave amplifier designed for moderate gain and moderate output power over the full 2-22 GHz frequency range. Typical applications of the HMMC-5022 include wideband gain blocks of communication systems and microwave instrumentation, which require a flat gains response and excellent port matches over the 2-22 GHz frequency range.
Millimeter Wave Zero Bias GaAs Schottky Diode
The HSCH-9162 is suitable for medium-low barrier, zero bias detector applications. The HSCH-9162 is functional through W-band (110 GHz) and can be mounted in microstrip, finline, and coplanar circuits.
Nonlinear Component Characterization 10 MHz - 110 GHz
Measure and display the calibrated, vector corrected waveform of the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves of the DUT