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Power Analyzers

Measure the quantity, quality, and frequency of electric power.

Showing results: 541 - 555 of 578 items found.

  • External Frontend

    FE50DTR - Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

    The R&S®FE50DTR external frontend can extend the frequency range up to 50 GHz for Rohde&Schwarz signal and spectrum analyzers as well as signal generators. The R&S®FE50DTR enables signal up and downconversion directly at the device under test (DUT), lowering cable losses, increasing sensitivity and delivering more power at the antenna in an OTA environment. With a dual connector system, testing of active components is an easy task.

  • RF Training Kit And Lab Sheets

    Y1800A - Keysight Technologies

    The RF transceiver kit consists of a transmitter unit and a receiver unit in superheterodyne architecture. The transceiver units are made up of various RF building-block modules such as filter, low noise amplifier, power amplifier, mixer and oscillator. The RF transceiver kit is controlled by a Windows-based Control Panel software via USB. A Measurement Automation Program is provided to demonstrate automated characterization and test of RF circuits. A signal generator and a spectrum analyzer are required to run this program.

  • Trace VOC Analyzer

    PTR-TOF 6000 X2 - Ionicon Analytik Ges.m.b.H.

    The new PTR-TOF 6000 X2 is our premium PTR-TOF trace VOC analyzer. We conceived a unique system comprising of a novel high-resolution TOF and IONICON’s PTR technology with the new “X2” features, for the ultimate PTR-TOFMS experience. X2 combines the latest generation of performance enhancing tools incl. the ION-BOOSTER funnel as well as the hexapole ION-GUIDE. The ion funnel focuses the ions into the hexapole ion guide which results in nearly lossless transmission of an extremely focused ion beam into the TOF mass spectrometer. This increases the sensitivity dramatically and also improves the instrument’s mass resolving power. Utmost resolution, sensitivity and lowest real-time detection limit are now available in a robust, transportable platform that is smaller and lighter than previous products.

  • Amplifier, Switch and Test Box

    CLIOQC Model V - Audiomatica

    The QCBOX Model 5 is a non-conventional unit designed to fulfil actual and future needs of an electro-acoustical analyzer like the CLIO system. It is USB linked to a PC and can be configured, with dedicated software controls, to assist frequency response and impedance measurements or to perform DC measurements. Using it for frequency response measurements acts as 50W power amplifier to drive the speaker or network under test while routing one-of-four inputs to the analyzer as well the current sensing output. The four inputs are able to provide a phantom power supply both for Audiomatica or general purpose microphones (0-24 V range, software controlled). Impedance measurements can be done either switching the D.U.T.’s load across the analyzer’s input or using a dedicated output, ISENSE, thus allowing impedance measurements in constant voltage mode as well voice coil current distortion analysis. An internal ADC measures the DC current into the voice coil. Thanks to an internal software controlled voltage generator the speaker can be driven with a superimposed DC voltage (±20V), allowing for measurements of large signal parameters. Two ADC converters with a ±2.5 V and ±5 V are available at inputs 3 and 4 to measure the displacement with a laser sensor or any other DC signal. A dedicated digital input handles an external foot pedal switch (or TTL signal) to be connected and triggers QC operations. A 6 bit output – 5 bit input TTL digital port is available to interface the QCBOX and driving software with external hardware (like turntables for example).The QCBOX Model 5 finds use both in laboratory for R&D applications and in production lines setups.

  • Model Vector Network Analyzer

    DZV-1 - Digital Signal Technology, Inc.

    DZV-1 is the vector network analyzer which can be measured the impedance and VSWR of the antenna, S Parameter of RF component and devices. It is small and low-priced. So, it is suitable for the production line, laboratory use, various testing applications, and the educational use. The communication between the DZV-1 unit and PC is done via USB, which is also used for power supply. The LOG-MAG characteristic, the phase-characteristic, the group delay frequency characteristics, the Smith chart, the polar coordinates, the SWR characteristic can be displayed on PC.

  • Potentiostat Galvanostat

    EchemLab XM - Ametek Scientific Instruments

    EchemLab XM includes a reference grade potentiostat and frequency response analyzer (FRA). EchemLab XM has a built-in 100 V high voltage amplifier which can be used for not only for compliance measurements but also for high voltage cell polarization. This is useful in many high solution resistance applications, for example in organic electrochemistry. In addition to high voltage, power boosters can also be integrated to combine high current and high voltage in many specialized plating applications.

  • Stack Gas Analyzer

    ENDA-7000 Series - HORIBA, Ltd.

    After decades of experience in precise stack gas measurement, HORIBA's brand new ENDA series represents the ultimate stack gas analyzer. With enhanced lower cost and reduced maintenance time, high sensitivity, and usability, we focused on the users' point of view. The ENDA-7000 is designed to continuously measure the concentrations of NOX, SO2, CO, CO2, O2, and NH3 in stack flue gas streams. The model is offered in dozens of combinations based on your measurement requirements. The ENDA-7000 uses an extractive method which measures undiluted sample gases, and is very suitable to stack gas measurements such as shale gas, LNG, or biogas and other combustion applications. The ENDA-7000 is an excellent choice for measurements in power generation facilities, boilers, furnaces, steel manufacturing, cement plants, pulp and paper mills, etc.

  • Zero Air System

    Model T701 - Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation

    The T701 adds Modbus TCP/IP connectivity to the proven reliability and performance of our zero air systems. This allows remote monitoring of key instrument functions including dewpoint status, scrubber temperature, box temperature, and output pressure. Additionally, this digital access provides the ability to remotely disable the internal pump, allowing longer service intervals and less power consumption. The user can also remotely start instrument warm-up prior to arrival at the site.The T701 is a fully self-contained source of clean, dry air for dilution calibrators. It can also be used to create purge air for permeation tube ovens or burner air for FID analyzers. The T701 includes a dewpoint sensor, an oil and diaphragm-free pump, and scrubbers to remove SO2, NO, NO2, O3, H2S, and NH3. Optional high performance scrubbers are available to remove CO and Hydrocarbons.

  • High Performance Zero Air System

    Model T701H - Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation

    The T701H adds Modbus TCP/IP connectivity to the proven reliability and performance of our high purity zero air system. This allows remote monitoring of key instrument functions including dewpoint status, scrubber temperature, box temperature and output pressure. Additionally, this digital access provides the ability to remotely disable the internal pump, allowing longer service intervals and less power consumption. The user can also remotely start instrument warm-up prior to arrival at the site.The T701H is a fully self-contained source of high purity zero air for dilution calibrators. It is ideal for use with highly sensitive analyzers in ambient background and trace level applications. The T701H includes a dewpoint sensor, an oil and diaphragm-free pump, scrubbers to remove SO2, NO, NO2, O3, H2S and NH3, plus high performance scrubbers to remove CO and Hydrocarbons.

  • External Frontend

    FE44S - Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

    The R&S®FE44S external frontend can extend the frequency range up to 44 GHz for Rohde&Schwarz signal and spectrum analyzers as well as signal generators. The R&S®FE44S enables signal up and downconversion directly at the device under test (DUT), lowering cable losses, increasing sensitivity and delivering more power at the antenna in an OTA environment. The R&S®FE44S uses a single RF connector to further reduce the number of antennas in over the air testing.

  • Automated Measurement Expert (AMX), VNA Plugin

    S94702A - Keysight Technologies

    The Keysight automated measurement expert (AMX) is a smart software solution for automated multiport S-parameter measurements with the PXIe vector network analyzers M937xA/M9485A or the benchtop E5080A ENA network analyzer. The S94702A AMX VNA plugin adds S-parameter measurement capabilities to the Keysight test automation platform (TAP). The combination of the TAP and the VNA plugin forms the AMX backend software, which makes the VNA setups and executes the test sequences in the PXIe controller according to the optimized test sequence files generated by the AMX test plan builder. Other instrument plugins allow you to control the DUT mode, expand the number of test ports with the PXI switches or multiport test set, and use external instruments such as a DC power supply and a digital multimeter. The AMX backend software also provides step-by-step calibration wizard for full multiport calibration using the 4-port ECal module.

  • LED Power Driver ATS

    8491 - Chroma ATE Inc.

    1. DC Electronic Load : Chroma 6310A/6330A Series2. Transducer Unit/Module*1 : Chroma A849101/A849102, A849103, A8491043. Time/Noise Analyzer : Chroma 80611 & 80611N card4. Sytem Controller*2 : Industrial PC5. DC Source: Chroma 62000P Series6. Digital Power Meter : Chroma 66200 Series7. OVP/Short Circuit Tester : Chroma 806128. ON/OFF Controller : Chroma 80613*1 : A849101 transfers UUT output signal to voltage signal, and measure by 84911 LED power driver measurement card (200kHz). The optional 80611N Noise card is required for 20MHz ripplecurrent measurement.*2 : The controller includes both 84911 LED Power Driver measurement card and 84903 control card.- 84911: Measure rms current, dimming current/frequency/duty, timing, power & ripple current (200kHz)- 84903 : Provide BL control signal(DC level, PWM, SM bus), and enable ON/OFF signal.C Source : Chroma 6500/61500/61600 Series

  • QAM DVB Analyzer

    Wuhan Sunma Technology Co., Ltd.

    QAM Analyzer designed for both installation and maintenance of HFC system. Measure and display main parameters in DVB testing (channel power, MER, BER, Constellation Diagram), signal level on any frequency, amplitude of the carriers singly in the whole system range, and etc. The Analog, QAM and FM channel can be set and tested efficiently; it also supports HUM measurement, C/N measurement, voltmeter function, spectrum analysis and data logging. Also it is easy for user to obtain a report of test data via PC or printer through toolbox software.

  • Launch Analyzer

    2440 - Photon Kinetics

    The 2440 Launch Analyzer is the first fully automated test system for characterizing the optical power distribution of the light produced by VCSEL laser sources, multimode fiber test equipment and launch cords utilized in multimode fiber links. Built on over 20 years of experience testing the transmission and geometric properties of muitimode fibers, the 2440 is the ideal solution for ensuring that source launches comply with applicable international component specifications and measurement standards. The 2440 can be configured for measurements in either or both the 850 and 1300 nm windows.

  • Battery Analyzers

    BA6010 Series - B&K Precision Corporation

    The BA6010 Series battery analyzers measure voltage and resistance of modern battery technologies with high accuracy, resolution, and speed. Additionally, these instruments provide auxiliary measurement parameters inductance, capacitance, dissipation factor, impedance, quality factor, reactance, and phase angle in degrees and radians. The BA6010 Series is suitable for characterizing battery chemistries that are responsive to a 1 kHz AC stimulus signal including lead acid, lithium and alkaline type batteries used in consumer products, electric vehicles, power backup, security, and fire alarm systems.

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